
Acoustic Guitar GAS, Dispatched ! (update)


Senior Member
So, I've got a few quid stashed up and I really need a reasonable acoustic guitar. I play a lot of different stuff, but it's mainly celtic/irish/folk etc.
I'm currently playing an old Guild that I've borrowed and it is killing my fingers, I don't accept that it's a case of 'get used to it' because I've played acoustics for years and this thing is like cheese wire. Not to mention the Guild has a dodgy pickup and the intonation isn't great.
Personally I've always liked Takamine guitars, for some reason they just feel right, so I'm leaning towards them. My hands are just about on the freakishly large side, and the EG340 I tried had a nice thick feel to the neck.
I'm in the UK and budget is £350, but I would possibly push to £400 if something really struck me as special. I really would prefer a dreadnought (cutaway preferred) and it definitely needs electronics.

Currently I'm thinking Takamine EG360SC, but lets hear from the pros (that's you guys). All advice very much appreciated.  :icon_thumright:
Cant go wrong with Takamine stuff.  Yamaha also represent quite good value for money in that price range too.

Maybe something like, although it's not a dreadnought,

This ones a dread

This one also, if you can stretch to £420

Failing that.... The Faith guitars are getting a bit of a name now. They are designed in conjunction with Patrick James Eggle, who's a serious high end UK hand-builder.  This one is good, but it's a bit over your budget, and doesnt have electrics, but dont be afraid of sticking a microphone in front to be heard. 

You might be able to find some deals after a bit of searching around.

Good luck, where are you in the UK?  I'm in Surrey.

All the best

I'd throw my vote in for Yamaha or Takamine as well. Pretty nice stuff for the money. I was looking at those when I was in the market for one, too. If you're not in a big hurry, watch the used market. One acoustic looks much like another to most people, and sometimes you'll come across an incredible deal on something more than you'd be able to afford otherwise. That's how I got my Taylor. Guy didn't really know what he had, or didn't care. Either way, I got a lot more than I was looking for at the price I was willing to pay.
I would say don't limit your selection based on whether or not a guitar has a pickup. If you find the right guitar, there are many pickups options available. I'm a really big fan of K&K Sound's Pure Western Mini. It's easy to install (drilling for the endpin jack is the only scary part), is much less quacky than the typical under-saddle pickup, and works well with their preamp or going direct into a mixer. Good luck with the hunt!

That's a good point. A $400 guitar that has electronics in it already is probably only a $250 guitar, and you're heading back into the unplayable or poor sounding category again.
Cagey said:
That's a good point. A $400 guitar that has electronics in it already is probably only a $250 guitar, and you're heading back into the unplayable or poor sounding category again.

+1 very, very true.
Appreciate the advice so far.
Unfortunately I'm stuck with the budget, and if I go down the no electronics route, I'll still have to proportion some of that budget towards a microphone / pickup system.
Besides, from what I've played, it seems even a £350 guitar with electronics is worlds apart from the POS I'm playing at the moment  :icon_smile:
I have an Ibanez Exotic Woods (the Monkeypod version) and I love it.  Not sure how much those run now, but I have no complaints about the electronics, playability, or acoustic sound.  Just thought I'd toss that in.
Definitely watch the market. I got a $1000 breedlove for $400, because the guitar was too big and it hurt the lady's arm. She was gonna replace it with a daisy rock, cuz it was small and had "awesome colors".  :toothy12: The one time craigslist DID NOT burn me...
I'll keep an eye out. Being in South Wales in the UK, I don't really know of many 'markets' to watch. I keep an eye on eBay but always feel that there are so many others on there that the chances of a bargain going unnoticed are minimal if not non-existent. The nearest music store is about 15 miles away, and even then you'd be very lucky to find a selection of quality instruments to try, it's all squire this and vintage that. I really wish I had the choice that I see in American markets.

(Better be careful not to hijack my own thread here hehe)
jimh said:
This one also, if you can stretch to £420
Bugger, I've just seen a few Youtube vids of this guitar and it sounds brilliant (better than the takamine, but that might just be the luck of the Youtube draw). Now I'm totally torn, and the worst part is I can't actually get to try one, god knows where the nearest FGX730SC is.
mate, i baught an alvarez for £99 like you i play alot of stuff and needed a good acoustic, and was prepared to pay the same as you, but that guitar called the ad410 i think, intonated and played better then the alverez 15 times the price. they are amazingly good quality guitars. they sound very crisp without that boom you get from most acoustics. its not got any pickups but you could install one yourself if you need to plug it in. worth finding and trying out.

Panthur said:
I'll keep an eye out. Being in South Wales in the UK, I don't really know of many 'markets' to watch. I keep an eye on eBay but always feel that there are so many others on there that the chances of a bargain going unnoticed are minimal if not non-existent. The nearest music store is about 15 miles away, and even then you'd be very lucky to find a selection of quality instruments to try, it's all squire this and vintage that. I really wish I had the choice that I see in American markets.

(Better be careful not to hijack my own thread here hehe)

Surely Cranes in Cardiff can sort you out???
I would definately check out the Epiphone Masterbuilt series. They are ALL solid guitars. Tops, backs, and sides. Not sure if they come in a cutaway though.
Epiphone masterbilt, alvarez, Blueridge, etc. - get solid woods and chinese origin instead of laminate woods and US construction. Seagulls are great, but most of their models tend to be folk-oriented (folk players have bigger nuts!) and I don't know if you really get them across the pond.
How often do you plan to use the electronics? Do you play out in places that don't have mics? I mean, pickups in acoustics are not really necessary, they are just convenient. I just saw Dave Rawlings Machine, an all acoustic 5 piece, it was 100% miced and sounded amazing, ZERO piezo quack.
If you get the right guitar, you can always go on Ebay and get a used soundhole pickup. I had a K&K installed in my own acoustic, and it sounds better than you average piezo but not nearly as good as a simple mic.
Biggus Pickus said:
Great, now I have GAS.

I may need to get one of those Yamahas to replace my old laminate top Takamine.

I just need guitars in general, its a disease!
Biggus Pickus said:
A friend of mine from Notlob is going to look at a Yamaha APX500 tomorrow.

She bought a Fender Sonoran SCE in LPB.
