
32" Single Cut G4


Junior Member
Heeeyo, figured a progress thread was in order for this: http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=18774.0

I have everything but the strings, so I'm sitting tight while finishing the Black Korina body, here's a 1/3 of the way photo, just about to sand back a bit to make sure it's all groovy, and then I'll continue.


Now we're about 2/3 through and damn is it starting to get a shine to it. This thing is gonna be damn sexy when it's done.


Yes, very shinny! I like the few coats of Tru Oil, doesn't shinny like that, looks a lot "raw", for some guitars it works :)

Your is getting cool!
Oh yes, I'm not grain filling either so that it still keeps some of that raw feel. Shine, but not quite poly coat level of shine, kind of a nice happy medium.
Quick update on this - I've put on what I believe to be my last coat. Gonna let it sit for the week and then do the final cleanup.


Sorry for the terrible image quality, guys - only had enough time for a cell phone pic this morning. Just wanted to announce that assembly has begun :)


Will nab a real photo this weekend!