
Recent content by Kublai

  1. Kublai

    Free to Good Home. Gibson 57 Classics

    I have been parting out a few old builds lately. I have a set of these mounted in a strat pickguard. Can be seen in this old thread: https://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=25794.0 Fantastic sound IMO. All of the stickers/writing that could ID these as Gibson 57's has worn off, so I...
  2. Kublai


    Happy to see you are still kicking! I hope your recovery is speedy.
  3. Kublai

    Home Sweet Home

    Nice shop! Mine is filled with just the tools that I know how to use. Fridge and bottle opener!
  4. Kublai

    Post what you're listening to!

    So good! It is like the South Park 'member berries episode.
  5. Kublai

    Electric Nylon builds?

    After some brain jogging, I'm sure it was Aizenx's. His was the first nylon on the forum. Post has no pics now, and soundclip is gone. But I remember listening to it again and again.
  6. Kublai

    Electric Nylon builds?

    I was thinking Steve Karl's build here http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=18474.0 or, mebbe this one...was so long ago...http://www.unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=11042.0
  7. Kublai

    Electric Nylon builds?

    I can't find it now. But there was a thread here from probably 2009ish? that was a Warmoth electric nylon. It was one of my fav all time builds on the forum. Hopefully someone can provide the link.
  8. Kublai

    Jazzmasterish First Build

    Holy.....that is awesome.
  9. Kublai

    BK 59 set with Ilitch noise canceling backplate and Fender 63 Vibroverb RI

    Oh yea. That sounds awesome. Great playing, too.
  10. Kublai

    I'm going to see Geddy!

    That is so cool. He is one of my all time favs.
  11. Kublai

    Roadhouse Build thread

    Beautiful mahogany, there.
  12. Kublai

    Soloist in green PRS-style Laguna Dragon Breath finish

    Wow, that looks great!
  13. Kublai

    New member, and an introduction!

    Woo Pig! I grew up in Heber Springs.
  14. Kublai

    NGD: Warmoth WGD - triple WRHB

    Oh yea, that looks fun. Nice build.
  15. Kublai

    Evolution of the English language in my lifetime

    Spelling, punctuation and grammar errors used to drive me nuts. Now, after reading texts, message boards, and online gaming chats for years it doesn't bother me. I can translate. I understand that official documentation requires proper and precise language.