

Without blue looks better, although the top of this guitar (even being a Private Stock) is cr@p comparing to the Warmoth!
NonsenseTele said:
Without blue looks better, although the top of this guitar (even being a Private Stock) is cr@p comparing to the Warmoth!

thats Rob Chapman! I love that guy! he's so cool :D
PRS's are severely overrated, played a few different ones at GC and wasn't very impressed....Definately not worth the prices they ask.....
That PRS guitar ^^^^^ has a finish on it that looks like it has serious sun fading on it!  :icon_scratch:
DangerousR6 said:
PRS's are severely overrated, played a few different ones at GC and wasn't very impressed....Definately not worth the prices they ask.....
interesting... what was it that didnt impress you?
The PRS factory is just up the road from me, and I've gone on tours a few times with some of my guitar students - it's a factory..... Al DiMeola and Carlos Santana have been playing PRS guitars since Paul was making them in his garage in the early 80's; one thing's for sure, the new PRS guitars that are given to DiMeola, Santana, and John McLaughlin are not exactly assembled on the line in the factory, from the parts bin. However, I don't think I'd be able to tell much of anything about any guitar in a room full of noise at Guitar Center, except quality control, fret finishing etc. On those things, I think PRS does a great job. (I still think the main difference between a $2500 Gibson and a $6000 custom shop Gibson is about $150 worth of fret work, ditto with the $1200 Strats and the $4000 ones.)

Different pieces of wood do different things, and I've had to change out pickups and capacitors on Warmoths I built because I guessed "wrong" the first time - to me it's just part of the process of getting it as good as possible. It's no big deal on a Warmoth, but rewire a PRS and you've "lost" resale value, even if you fixed the damn guitar.... I almost bought a Music Man Petrucci 7-string but built a Warmoth 7 instead for that very reason. PRS uses good wood and good parts, but I really doubt PRS, Music Man or any other high-end factory is going to tune the electronics to the boards unless you're DiMeola, Santana, McLaughlin, Morse, Petrucci.... :toothy12:

I think it's obvious that Gibson, Warmoth, Carvin, Suhr, ESP and every other maker in the world has been "touched" by the colors and finishes that Paul Reed Smith has come up with - there didn't used to be blue wood in 1985... but give me $7000 to get a great guitar and I'd build 6 Warmoths, and just hope one would work out O.K. :hello2: (Actually I'd sneak a $1000 Ibanez jazz box in there too, those things are scary.)
I found very weird this guitar, because usually Private Stock have amazing tops, but this one I think it's alike or less than you would get ordering a Flame Maple top from Warmoth, without any upcharge nor asking for more "As" on it...  :tard:
A great, great idea for somebody else!  Agree this needs to be on an SG, preferably with vintage lollar P90s.

Also, cmon guys, why are you TOP ROUTING a guitar like that?????
Did the floppy disk with the rear router template file on it fall back behind the CNC machine again? I can't think of any other reason to make a really out-there, experimental finish and then require it be mostly covered by a big piece of plastic.
This fear of rear routed strats is like a Warmoth phobia at this point!

Keep in mind that guitars at Guitar Center (aka Saturday Afternoon Daycare) have been drooled on, sweated on, dropped, abused, and various other abuses too numerous to list. I would not judge any piece of equipment by what GC has laying out in the "playground".
RLW said:
Keep in mind that guitars at Guitar Center (aka Saturday Afternoon Daycare) have been drooled on, sweated on, dropped, abused, and various other abuses too numerous to list. I would not judge any piece of equipment by what GC has laying out in the "playground".
These were not the "playground" items hanging on the wall, they were thier "special" ones they keep in the glass room.. So I reserve the right to judge as it be, and I didn't find anything more special about thier wood vs. anyone elses that would command such rediculous prices...

I feel the same way about Gibson Les Pauls too....$3500.00 for a Les Paul......please..
In defense of PRS, I think if you played a $2000 Gibson and a $2000 PRS back to back, you'd be more impressed by the PRS. Every one I've ever seen or played has been solid, properly aligned and set up, and made of obviously nice woods. I've also seen some very, very nice ones that played like buttah. Can't say the same for even a $2000 off the rack Gibson, very unfortunately.
tfarny said:
In defense of PRS, I think if you played a $2000 Gibson and a $2000 PRS back to back, you'd be more impressed by the PRS. Every one I've ever seen or played has been solid, properly aligned and set up, and made of obviously nice woods. I've also seen some very, very nice ones that played like buttah. Can't say the same for even a $2000 off the rack Gibson, very unfortunately.
I wasn't saying they are junk by any means, but I don't fall for the hype. They are nice guitars, but I've played guitars that were not nearly as exspensive, and played just as good if not better.
DangerousR6 said:
tfarny said:
In defense of PRS, I think if you played a $2000 Gibson and a $2000 PRS back to back, you'd be more impressed by the PRS. Every one I've ever seen or played has been solid, properly aligned and set up, and made of obviously nice woods. I've also seen some very, very nice ones that played like buttah. Can't say the same for even a $2000 off the rack Gibson, very unfortunately.
I wasn't saying they are junk by any means, but I don't fall for the hype. They are nice guitars, but I've played guitars that were not nearly as exspensive, and played just as good if not better.

I agree with the both of you. When I play a $3500 Gibson I expect to ATLEAST hear what I am playing. Not the case with the Gibson ZV (and '58 VOS LP)...I literally had to place my head next to the strings to hear them. I don't have to do that with my $180 Dean ML...ridiculous...
Kataar said:
DangerousR6 said:
PRS's are severely overrated, played a few different ones at GC and wasn't very impressed....Definately not worth the prices they ask.....
interesting... what was it that didnt impress you?
The price tag for starters..




Yep, them's some ugly guitars... PRS has a way with root beer and tobacco colors that really impresses me, far more than any green wood. You know that just a few short years ago, Warmoth didn't do any finishes at all? Gee, I wonder where they get their ideas.... :binkybaby:


Not a big fan of modern Dean guitars, either.  But I agree, PRS is overpriced for what you get, at least if you know about Warmoth.
Here's my experience with PRS guitars if anyone cares. Guy owed me about $4K and I got a Custom 22 in barter along with a White steel amp and a Fender Champ. Now this was in a pawnshop type deal where you give me the money you get this stuff back. If you default in 6 months I keep or sell it. So I guess you could say I got the PRS for free ( if you want to think about it like that). I got rid of it as soon as i could. I wouldn't pay a thousand for that thing. The Champ went too. I kept the White  :icon_smile: The only PRS's  I felt were worth most of their price tags were the McCarty Archtops. In six months with the custom 22 I couldn't find one application that wasn't bested by another guitar. It didn't feel fast. The finish wasn't "jack up the cost a grand" awesome. The tone was alright, but it needed plenty of gain to really sustain. All together it was just underwhelming. Maybe i got a dud, I dunno. But I haven't felt the urge to pick one up again since.
tfarny said:
Also, cmon guys, why are you TOP ROUTING a guitar like that?????

...like we planned that finish before we made the body? We just grabbed a body to try something. Happens all the time.