
Wild Quilt body in; change in plans?

i bought a body blank of purple hears from the internet and it is 18 pounds on my scale..............i dont no what to do with it beacuase it is heavey as hell and it is very hard to cut :sad1:
if i can remember it is.,,....21 x 14 x 2                    in my terms it is a big enough for a strat body with a like a 1/2 inch left around the whole thing
That's unbelievably heavy for a piece that size.....

Anyhoo - see the below, cream knobs or chrome? Having a hard time making up my mind....

Come on guys.  The cream doesn't look bad.  I think I'd have a hard time deciding after seeing both.

BTW... Jack, the new build is looking great so far!
Well, aesthetically I was looking at the cream knobs to pick up the accent of the cream PU mounting rings, but the plastic Fender Strat knobs don't quite look "right"... Cream speed knobs won't work due to the proximity of the vol knob to the pickup, so I just ordered a set of cream bell type knobs I'll probably wind up using...
Well, all finished wiring/drilling/assembling; bad flash teaser pic, have to string it & see if I can get a sound clip recorded and take some good pix with the new digital camera for the next stop, Strat gallery. This finish wasn't what I had in mind exactly, if you've been following this thread this axe has been about 6 different colors and probably half the depth of the quilt top has been sanded back in the process, but I wound up with the weird effect seen in the pic, shadows/lighting makes it look reddish or yellowish at different angles/lighting....

Hmm  how about three chrome tele knobs, and some wooden, similarly finished, pickup rings?
I like the contrast of the cream; ordered some Gibson bell type knobs - would agree the std. Strat type don't work - in cream and will get a replacement rear control cavity cover in cream next week; flash pic makes them look washed out, but it works. Now I guess I'll get around to finishing the Fender 75 amp project while I'm waiting on the parts for the '54 Goldtop Tele....

Having second thoughts about the SD Jazz in the mid position, like the tone, but the level is just too far off the TX BBQ set, may get another TX for the mid or?