Veggie oil tends to go rancid much quicker than the more stable saturated fats found in butter and lard and the thought is that that fact alone (rancidity) increases free radical formation and thus badness. Problem with real margarine (the original kind anyway) was the hydrogenation of liquid (unsaturated) fat to make it more stable at room temperature resulted in the transfat formation that has been shown to be so bad for you. The solid substitutes made today are transfat free but full of all sorts of stabilizers that may or may not be bad for you.
Give me good ole butter that humans have been consuming for many years, any day.
There is a great, digestible (pardon the pun) discussion of this in a great book
called the Wine and Food Lover's diet.
Give me good ole butter that humans have been consuming for many years, any day.
There is a great, digestible (pardon the pun) discussion of this in a great book