
Why is this a big deal?

Veggie oil tends to go rancid much quicker than the more stable saturated fats found in butter and lard and the thought is that that fact alone (rancidity) increases free radical formation and thus badness. Problem with real margarine (the original kind anyway) was the hydrogenation of liquid (unsaturated) fat to make it more stable at room temperature resulted in the transfat formation that has been shown to be so bad for you. The solid substitutes made today are transfat free but full of all sorts of stabilizers that may or may not be bad for you.

Give me good ole butter that humans have been consuming for many years, any day.
There is a great, digestible (pardon the pun) discussion of this in a great book  :) called the Wine and Food Lover's diet.
That brings up a good point
we humans have depended on wine and beer for thousands of years because water is so unhealthy unless processed to kill all the germs and stuff
and politicians want to get us to stop drinking
again, I ask WTF?
I mean if we are a Christian nation and Jesus made wine out of water do we not take our example from that, they ran out of wine at a party so he created more so they could party far into the night
and doctors say that a glass of wine a day is good for us

wine, butter, meat, whole vegis and fruit, no processed sugars or syrups, these are healthy things, processed food is not. I mean asparagus from a can looks and smells like poop, and breads are carb overloads, they take all the nutitional value from the flour so we have attractive white bread.

I sometimes wonder, I am serious here, who should we believe about our diet?
Jusatele said:
That brings up a good point
we humans have depended on wine and beer for thousands of years because water is so unhealthy unless processed to kill all the germs and stuff
and politicians want to get us to stop drinking
again, I ask WTF?

One point a devout pius man made to me once was: If the good lord didn't intend us to drink wine, we would he/she have given us alcohol dehydrogenase in our livers? He was neither Catholic nor Jewish too.

Also alcohol increases one's good cholesterol (HDL) big time.
Be responsible of course.

Sorry Marko, don't want to hijack your thread.
PT said:
Sorry Marko, don't want to hijack your thread.

Not to worry, I am actually finding this very interesting..
I have been changing my diet a lot over the past 4 years, and it is great to hear the views of a professional like yourself! :)
I have been trying to cut out bad fats, reducing carbs (and only eating 100% whole grain carbs), sugars, processed food and I have been cooking from "scratch" a lot.
my only problem is with sugars substitutes.. I know they are chemicals and can be a health risk. I have tried cutting out aspartame for about 2 months, and it made me feel horrible for some reason. I asked my doctor and he said aspertame was great and that I shouldn't read all those internet conspiracies :) 
I think sucralose/splenda is less evil, so I am trying to stick to that.

the sad thing is, over the past years I only lost 40 pounds or so, but I have (at least) another 40 pounds to go (I am almost 6ft6) and it is like I have been hitting a brick wall as of lately.. can't get past this point, even with exercise.  :sad:
One of the big reasons humans made past the furry little prey stage is that we developed as a quite omnivorous beast - rats, cockroaches and humans are the Big Three of Shove It and Love It! nutrition-wise. We do have some quirky little vitamin and nutrient needs, but even those mostly don't zoink the organism till some time past the breeding stage, which is all Charles Darwin gave a toot about. I mean, Chinese can live on rice with nary even a fish head, at least for long enough to send a tribe up past the Arctic Circle, to live on whale blubber  - and their kids moved to Machu Picchu, and lived on maize, plantains and slow monkeys. Same exact genetic breeding stock, carrying forward the potentiality to digest things that had to have analogues on the African Plains at least 50,000, maybe even 70,000 or 80,000 years.

The point being, if you take care of those few niggling mineral needs - any old how - and ingest 1,000 to 1,600 calories any old how, you're quite likely to remain eligible for the Breeding Bowl, all other ephemeral characteristics notwithstanding (size matters).

The "only" problem with carbohydrates as fuel is that in our current situation - which was rather unique to America even into the 90's, really - is that we have been conned, finagled, tricked, manipulated, bushwhacked with the codswallop that eating 4,000 calories a day was our reward for being such cool people. What other animal of the kingdom can and will actually ~ Eat Themselves to Death ~ you may well ask? Sharks in a feeding frenzy, snakes occasionally misjudge the size of a single meal; but the large majority of overweight animals are those that have been kidnapped by humans and raised as either pets or zoo attractions. Hmmm.

Mammals, when faced with imprisonment and cut off from their natural habitat, get fat as a response.

Marko said:
I think sucralose/splenda is less evil, so I am trying to stick to that.

the sad thing is, over the past years I only lost 40 pounds or so, but I have (at least) another 40 pounds to go (I am almost 6ft6) and it is like I have been hitting a brick wall as of lately.. can't get past this point, even with exercise.  :sad:

Losing 40 pounds is quite an accomplishment though.

Losing that last bit I'm afraid is a function of age. I can't lose the last bit either without significant decreases in eating and significant increases in exercise now in my 50s. In my 30's go running everyday and eat what the heck you want. Oh well., I feel your frustration.

btw I use sucralose too.
I found that not using sugar substitute and learning to eat non sweetened food really helps, oh 53 here. now if I pick up something with sugar I know it on the first bite and can put it down.

Sugar is the most addictive substance on earth

I also walk a mile a day up a grade that is 1300 feet and then back down, I am loosing weight a pound a day.

my meal size has also been downgraded by a huge amount, I think we tend to think we are still 30 a lot

and the big thing is I carry carrots and celery in my lunch cooler, when everyone else is snacking I pull out the vegis, Oh I can tell you the first 6 months was hell, but it is the commitment that counts, why we cannot loose those last 40 pounds is we refuse to count those snack and drink calories, and we get sedentary,  A good brisk 1 hour walk a day, and remember to count those snacks and drinks and take that amount away from your evening meal, and you will loose those last pounds.

our reward we give ourselves is to sit down and be a potato on the couch watching TV or being on line 4 hours a night, but in retrospect that is our curse. we break that habit and we are also on the way to loose those pounds

Just a few thoughts.

Jusatele said:
Sugar is the most addictive substance on earth

Just a few thoughts.

All great points. One thing a lot of people don't realize though is that are are essential fats and amino acids (protien) needed for life, but there are no essential carbohydrates. They often bring essential nutrients (vitamins etc) but there are no essential carbohydrates. That fact shocked me.

Anyway, no carbs in horse meat.
PT said:
Jusatele said:
That brings up a good point
we humans have depended on wine and beer for thousands of years because water is so unhealthy unless processed to kill all the germs and stuff
and politicians want to get us to stop drinking
again, I ask WTF?

One point a devout pius man made to me once was: If the good lord didn't intend us to drink wine, we would he/she have given us alcohol dehydrogenase in our livers? He was neither Catholic nor Jewish too.

Also alcohol increases one's good cholesterol (HDL) big time.
Be responsible of course.

Sorry Marko, don't want to hijack your thread.
There's actually a very good chance that I'm missing that enzyme. It'll be interesting when I find out....