
Why is this a big deal?

I'm a total hypocrite.  I don't agree with slaughtering animals for food, as we really don't "need" to do it, but I can't turn down a nicely browned chicken, turkey, or good cheeseburger.

I too am an animal lover, but I just can't stop myself from eating them; if I could, I would.  :redflag:
Own any leather?  My vegan friends do.

Marko, never eaten horse, or atleast I didn't knowingly eat horse.  Not opposed to it, but Tom Thumb and Kroger don't carry it.  If I could add, it's a line most don't cross because they wouldn't ever consider eating their pets.  It's why we're comfortable eating chickens, pigs, deer, cows, etc., and why we (Americans) don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc.  Many consider pets to be family members, and family members are people, and meat is meat.  Soylent Green?
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Own any leather?  My vegan friends do.

Marko, never eaten horse, or atleast I didn't knowingly eat horse.  Not opposed to it, but Tom Thumb and Kroger don't carry it.  If I could add, it's a line most don't cross because they wouldn't ever consider eating their pets.  It's why we're comfortable eating chickens, pigs, deer, cows, etc., and why we (Americans) don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc.  Many consider pets to be family members, and family members are people, and meat is meat.  Soylent Green?

If I had a pet animal like a cow, pig, chicken, etc., I would never be able to eat that type of meat again.

I know a lot of people who feel like a pet is "just a pet," but for me, it's different.  My cats are like my children.  It doesn't matter to me they aren't biological children.  FWIW, I will run into a burning home to save my cats, even knowing ahead of time I'm not coming out.

Personally, I don't put a price on what a particular creature's life is worth, and a lot of people have a problem with that.  Why is my life worth more than "X" because I'm the dominant species?  I've asked the question before and I've always failed to get a straight answer, other than the sidestepped "Survival of the fittest."
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Own any leather?  My vegan friends do.

Marko, never eaten horse, or atleast I didn't knowingly eat horse.  Not opposed to it, but Tom Thumb and Kroger don't carry it.  If I could add, it's a line most don't cross because they wouldn't ever consider eating their pets.  It's why we're comfortable eating chickens, pigs, deer, cows, etc., and why we (Americans) don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc.  Many consider pets to be family members, and family members are people, and meat is meat.  Soylent Green?

You are right, certain things are acceptable in certain cultures.. just never thought twice about horse :)
I have seen rattlesnake here in the supermarket, but that is where I draw the line...alligator is ok, I have eaten it a couple of times, but I can't get myself to eat a poisonous animal.
Marko said:
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Own any leather?  My vegan friends do.

Marko, never eaten horse, or atleast I didn't knowingly eat horse.  Not opposed to it, but Tom Thumb and Kroger don't carry it.  If I could add, it's a line most don't cross because they wouldn't ever consider eating their pets.  It's why we're comfortable eating chickens, pigs, deer, cows, etc., and why we (Americans) don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc.  Many consider pets to be family members, and family members are people, and meat is meat.  Soylent Green?

You are right, certain things are acceptable in certain cultures.. just never thought twice about horse :)
I have seen rattlesnake here in the supermarket, but that is where I draw the line...alligator is ok, I have eaten it a couple of times, but I can't get myself to eat a poisonous animal.

I've never seen anything "exotic" in the stores where I've lived; alligator, rattlesnake, horse, etc.

I've heard of some restaurants serving lion now, but I think it's very frowned upon.
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Own any leather?  My vegan friends do.

Marko, never eaten horse, or atleast I didn't knowingly eat horse.  Not opposed to it, but Tom Thumb and Kroger don't carry it.  If I could add, it's a line most don't cross because they wouldn't ever consider eating their pets.  It's why we're comfortable eating chickens, pigs, deer, cows, etc., and why we (Americans) don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc.  Many consider pets to be family members, and family members are people, and meat is meat.  Soylent Green?

No, Soylent Black.
Marko said:
I have seen rattlesnake here in the supermarket, but that is where I draw the line...alligator is ok, I have eaten it a couple of times, but I can't get myself to eat a poisonous animal.

I ate a puffer fish in Korea. My mouth tingled. It was a bit scary and exhilarating at the same time.
Being a card carrying member of PETA

People Eating Tasty Animals

I see nothing wrong with eating horse meat, I may not choose to but so what.
I see they eat insects in certain areas of the world and dieticians tell us they are a super source of proteins
I won't today but who knows in a year, after all I never thought I would eat snake till I did.
So, horse seems a natural, it does not crawl around on six legs.

And as far as overpopulation, this planet has a way to deal with that, if we ever go extinct, this planet will still be around as it has with every other life form that has gone extinct.

We are pretty stupid if we believe that after humans are all gone that the world will end. We will just be another life form that did not adapt. In fact our ability to try to make the environment to adapt will be out downfall, when it refuses we call it a natural catastrophe,  what happens we we can no longer adapt to those?
Torment Leaves Scars said:
Needs a Turbo Deluxe Floyd said:
Own any leather?  My vegan friends do.

Marko, never eaten horse, or atleast I didn't knowingly eat horse.  Not opposed to it, but Tom Thumb and Kroger don't carry it.  If I could add, it's a line most don't cross because they wouldn't ever consider eating their pets.  It's why we're comfortable eating chickens, pigs, deer, cows, etc., and why we (Americans) don't eat cats, dogs, horses, etc.  Many consider pets to be family members, and family members are people, and meat is meat.  Soylent Green?

If I had a pet animal like a cow, pig, chicken, etc., I would never be able to eat that type of meat again.

I know a lot of people who feel like a pet is "just a pet," but for me, it's different.  My cats are like my children.  It doesn't matter to me they aren't biological children.  FWIW, I will run into a burning home to save my cats, even knowing ahead of time I'm not coming out.

Personally, I don't put a price on what a particular creature's life is worth, and a lot of people have a problem with that.  Why is my life worth more than "X" because I'm the dominant species?  I've asked the question before and I've always failed to get a straight answer, other than the sidestepped "Survival of the fittest."

WELLLL - because vegetarians kill more animals indirectly than someone who eats only large mammals like cow - hundreds / thousands of insects and mice and birds and snakes are killed harvesting a single wheat field. Your wheat consumption directly causes the slaughter. On and on....you drive a car, you contribute to the need for gulf oil wells, therefore the deepwater horizon disaster which killed untold millions of creatures is your fault.
the only way to be a human and not to harm other creatures is to off yourself. That's the deal. You can either understand that that's the cycle of life - creatures kill other creatures, that's what we were all designed / evolved to do - or you can choose to step off the cycle, but you can't step off by being a vegan, only by jumping off a bridge.

I've always just considered that vegans/vegetarians simply have emotional problems that they've never reconciled. It's not hard to cause/inflict them, particularly at young ages. Two of my brothers to this day won't eat cottage cheese because I convinced them when they were very small that it was nothing more than rotted milk. They don't even remember me doing it. All they know now is that cottage cheese is disgusting.

Childhood memories are powerful stuff. You may not even remember what they are, but they'll control you.

Buddy of mine used to win large bets at college parties because he'd tell somebody they couldn't crap their pants. They'd argue until they'd put down large sums, then try it. Couldn't do it.

I used to be afraid of spiders. Don't know why. But, after my accident where a great deal of my memory was lost, so was that fear. So, there must have been some underlying memory that was controlling me that when lost, ceased to have any effect.

Many cults/religions seek out the very young to indoctrinate, knowing full well that if successful it's unlikely control over them will ever be lost.

So, I'm convinced that's the root (npi) of the vegans/vegetarians problems. Somewhere along the line, something traumatic happened that turned them off of what for the entire species is an instinctive and life-sustaining activity. Does no good to argue with them; you won't win. They have to resolve it on their own, or try to live with the anomaly.
I just do not understand it
there was someone around here who wrote to the editor moaning about hunters, saying the should quit killing innocent animals and get their meet where it was natural and no animals were killed, at the grocery store.

Ok I can see the health benefits of a diet based in non processed food with a lot of vegetable matter and limited meat intake, I can also see the benefit of hard work to burn off extra calories, and not taking in the chemicals we use to process and preserve foods, I can also see the benefits of a lifestyle with more outside activities and less TV and internet sofa potatoes.e
But as I wipe the grease from the steak of my face and fart into the sofa promising to exercise tomorrow because I have not for the last decade, I also think of how much I love to eat meat

medium rare so blood is still running

guess it is my inner caveman coming out

must draw a few more cows on the cave wall and make wife go wash club so can go hunting tomorrow.
Jusatele said:
I just do not understand it
there was someone around here who wrote to the editor moaning about hunters, saying the should quit killing innocent animals and get their meet where it was natural and no animals were killed, at the grocery store.

Ok I can see the health benefits of a diet based in non processed food with a lot of vegetable matter and limited meat intake, I can also see the benefit of hard work to burn off extra calories, and not taking in the chemicals we use to process and preserve foods, I can also see the benefits of a lifestyle with more outside activities and less TV and internet sofa potatoes.e
But as I wipe the grease from the steak of my face and fart into the sofa promising to exercise tomorrow because I have not for the last decade, I also think of how much I love to eat meat

medium rare so blood is still running

guess it is my inner caveman coming out

must draw a few more cows on the cave wall and make wife go wash club so can go hunting tomorrow.

I agree with you Jim. A healthy balanced diet is and has been protein and non starchy vegetables.  Look at when type 2 diabetes and some cancers like pancreatic started really coming on strong - after the introduction of high fructose corn syrup and the low fat lifestyle.
That's pretty much what I changed my diet AGAINST and became amazingly healthy - like, no colds since I started, no aches and pains, etc. Last night I had a good sized grass-fed steak, some carrots and onions cooked in real butter and duck fat, and a little green salad. That's kind of typical of what I eat now - high protein, high fat, carbs coming only in non-processed forms like sweet potatoes or milk. No bread / wheat of any kind.  Heavy cream in my coffee. I was never this healthy even as a teenager.

PT said:
Look at when type 2 diabetes and some cancers like pancreatic started really coming on strong - after the introduction of high fructose corn syrup and the low fat lifestyle.

I always had a feeling that high fructose corn syrup was evil! this is only used in the US, and ever since it has screwed with my Health... well, not in a serious way. just in minor ways..
per example, until I moved here, I didn't even know what heartburn was.. now my whole meals consist of tums, rolaids and omeprazoles!
processed food are cheap, full of cheap carbs, and full of preservatives. Yet we shove them down as a species for 2 reasons, cost ans convenience. Instead we should be eating non processed foods that are full of the stuff taken out of our processed foods. The fiber and nutritional matter taken out of out foods in the name of making them more palatable and replacing them with a crapload of cheap carbs is what is killing us. The average person going to work will not spend 10 minutes at home to eat some fruit and vegetable but finds nothing wrong with hitting the donut store and grabbing a bear claw and jelly filled with a mega coffee no sugar please I will take spleda to keep my calories down.
PT said:
I agree with you Jim. A healthy balanced diet is and has been protein and non starchy vegetables.  Look at when type 2 diabetes and some cancers like pancreatic started really coming on strong - after the introduction of high fructose corn syrup and the low fat lifestyle.
I totally agree, but I think I might add 1 more item to your list - margarine as a butter substitute!
No proof, but I am starting to really suspect it contributes a lot to the problem!
Completely agree. Margarine used to be the definition of trans fats! Good idea at the time it was thought. Good example of don't mess with mother nature.
Margarine has been getting a bad rap for many years, and there have actually been a number of laws written about it as a result of the dairy industry lobby, many of which have only recently been repealed. Did you know it used to be illegal to sell margarine in quantities greater than 1lb.? They also couldn't color it the same as butter until recently. The list is long. But, the simple fact of the matter is, it's a viable substitute if you're not too picky about flavor/texture or using it for baking. It's very inexpensive, and it's essentially a plastic food in that it's edible but has little or no nutritious value, pro or con. It's just hydrogenated vegetable oil with some chemical flavoring added. Everybody knows veggie oil won't hurt you, so what's the problem?

The dairy industry.