
whoa - talk about chambering

I hate to say it but stay away from Gibson (The new stuff that is)
The QC of the USA shop and custum shop have gone down hill big time.
You'd think they'd offer at a lower price since half the guitar is gone. Seriously, those instruments look like they would sound extremely cold and angular - what wood is left to resonate?

I kinda thought the robot guitar was cool/collectible. If I had crazy cash to blow, I'd have bought one.
stratoholic77 said:
If you want ugly guitars then Zachary Guitars are the way to go!

that must be the most nasty thing I have ever seen from Gibson.  Come on guys...better put Les Paul back on the payroll.
Les Paul still plays at a little jazz club in midtown Manhattan - saw the sign the other day. I'll go and see him soon.
this guy sure does make some.. interesting stuff... http://www.zacharyguitars.com/070209pics.htm

Edit : I do like the onion..
GoDrex said:

OK? Why? Why not? Only 350 available...

Haha, I got that in my inbox the other day too... I was like "wtf?"
tfarny said:
Les Paul still plays at a little jazz club in midtown Manhattan - saw the sign the other day. I'll go and see him soon.

don't put it off - - just sayin...
That zachary guy is classic - going on about the 'circle jerk' guitar forum gasbags while he's on the internet himself marketing a one-off $2800 8 lb chopping block made into a (nice looking) tele. The neck joint looks really good, but the irony of it all is fantastic. Watch out you don't insult him, he'll put you on his site and shame you for dissing him.
tfarny said:
That zachary guy is classic - going on about the 'circle jerk' guitar forum gasbags while he's on the internet himself marketing a one-off $2800 8 lb chopping block made into a (nice looking) tele. The neck joint looks really good, but the irony of it all is fantastic. Watch out you don't insult him, he'll put you on his site and shame you for dissing him.

He's definitely got some interesting ideas.. and that neck joint is slick.
The neck joint looks amazing, and I give him total props for that!  The idea of using a chopping block is cute, but that wood is ugly as hell.  The headstock is also ugly.  And using three string trees is a crime.

...bring it on Zachary ;)
Zacko's website is also insanely annoying - even ignoring what he says, the layout itself reminds me of a 15 year old's blog.
Unwound G said:
They should make smaller scale ones so they can be used as barbecue spatulas.

A neat item for Gibson's merchandise shop along with their T-Shirt, beer mugs and bar stools.

+1  :laughing7: