
What should I do to prepare?

Question #1
I bought a Strat body and neck from Warmoth and few other things like bridge, screws, etc. Is there something I should do to prepare for the arrival of the body and neck. This is my first partscaster and I’m wondering if I need select tools in order to get everything put together. I’ve got the pickguard loaded already and it’s just waiting for the body.

Question #2
One more quick question I have to ask. Since I have staggered locking tuners for my Fender Strat headstock, should I still get string trees or would I be ok without them.
Welcome to the forum.

Q1 Check out the Welcome to the Forum thread linked in my signature below. There you will find links to various detailed build threads of myself and others. There are also links to lots of other useful threads and info.

Q2 You should not need string trees.
Question #1
I bought a Strat body and neck from Warmoth and few other things like bridge, screws, etc. Is there something I should do to prepare for the arrival of the body and neck. This is my first partscaster and I’m wondering if I need select tools in order to get everything put together. I’ve got the pickguard loaded already and it’s just waiting for the body.

Question #2
One more quick question I have to ask. Since I have staggered locking tuners for my Fender Strat headstock, should I still get string trees or would I be ok without them.

Welcome to the forum @T.C.B._Electric_Guitars! Yes, check out the video...and congratulations: you've already accomplished my #1 suggestion! :)
If you're a smoker, don't give up until after it's finished...

Seriously though, plan everything you do beforehand... everything.
You need to have a clear idea of how you're going to proceed. Work out a logical order to do things in. For example, back in the '90s I did an assembly whereby I was doing all the finishing, that is, a bare neck and bare body that I was going to spray. To save myself from screwing up the finish afterwards, I assembled the guitar completely, including drilling all the holes, before I sprayed it, and then stripped it down again to spray the finish on. Basically, if you're working with an unfinished body, get all the drilling, filing and 'Dremeling' out of the way before you spray it.
Another thing, drill the holes for the strap buttons with the neck off (if it's a Strat-a-like), just because it easier to get a drill in to the top horn.
I leave the neck off for everything I'm doing to the body, simply because it makes handling the body easier.

Oh, and if you're building from an unfinished body and neck, get a pair or three of white cotton gloves - like you see the referee wearing at snooker matches. Unfinished maple will stain up really easy and is a b'stard to clean up, so you don't want to be handling it will sweaty hands.

Do as much soldering away from the guitar as physically possible.

Did I mention, plan everything?
Do as much soldering away from the guitar as physically possible.
And to add, if you’re going to use steel wool for any purpose (burnishing the neck, polishing frets, knocking the shine down on the finish) - make sure the pickups are not installed and you clean up really well. Those little steel wool shavings will get everywhere!
And to add, if you’re going to use steel wool for any purpose (burnishing the neck, polishing frets, knocking the shine down on the finish) - make sure the pickups are not installed and you clean up really well. Those little steel wool shavings will get everywhere!
Yeah. 100%.
When you're building, do all that stuff before you screw it all together. Do all and any work with only the part that requires the work present, wherever possible.

It's a bit like losing your virginity really... the first time is a bit stressful. After that, it's all good fun... until someone loses an eye 🤣