
Warmoth Compound Radius Fretboard (radius at every fret)


I'm not sure if anyone has done this before, but I was curious to know what the radius was at every fret on a 25.5" scale length, 22-fret Warmoth compound radius neck. So using some mathematical skills and a Google documents spreadsheet, I decided to find out. If anyone else is as curious as I was to know, please visit the following link:


Let me know what you think!  :party07:
That's pretty cool, but...

We've got to find you a woman.

Toddimus84 said:
My girlfriend didn't appreciate having a guy that can play guitar...enough said.

Are you sure you were holding it right?

That's pretty cool! On a practical basis, can you use the same doohickey* to extrapolate to the radius at the bridge? It would help with setting up Floyds and such.

*(Oh yes - me and higher math are, like, best buddies) :blob7:
Sure, the radius at the bridge is the radius at the nut plus twice the difference between the radius at the nut and the radius at the 12th fret.

So 18.1617748 at the bridge.
Rick said:
That's cool.  Can you figure out how to the calc's for 24.75 neck?

I'm not 100% sure, but I substituted 24.75 for 25.5 in the spreadsheet, and every single number changed except for those in the radius column. That being the case, I would have to believe the 24.75 has the same radius at every fret as the 25.5 neck.
Toddimus84 said:
I'm not 100% sure, but I substituted 24.75 for 25.5 in the spreadsheet, and every single number changed except for those in the radius column. That being the case, I would have to believe the 24.75 has the same radius at every fret as the 25.5 neck.

No, because the conversion necks aren't precisely 16" at the end.  They both start out at 10', though, and both have the same radius progression vs. dist from the nut, so you should be able to adapt your spreadsheet to calculate it.

I think you'll find the final radius is darn close to 16, which is why Warmoth does not bother publishing the more precise number.
Interesting... but it it actually was 10-16 on both then they WOULD have the same radius at each fret.
DiMitriR33 said:
anything beyond 12" radius the diferences are so insignificant you won't notice so who really cares

I notice the difference between my LP (12") and my classical (flat). For what that's worth.

Also, is there an online tutorial/cheatsheet on conic sections that you guys recommend. I find this stuff way interesting.
Radius at nut = R
Radius at heel = H
Distance from heel to nut = D
Scale length = S
Radius at Nth fret = S * ( 1 - 1/2^(N/12) ) * (H-R)/D