
Warmoth #3 the Z Body


Senior Member
Hello folks,
Warmoth #3 is in the works! All the parts have come in and they are as follows:

Flame maple on maple

Rosewood on maple Warhead

Original Floyd Rose trem.
Grover tuners
GFS Hennesy style strap locks
Volume, tone, maybe a spin-a-split and 3 way toggle
Electro socket Jack
Chrome humbucker rings
Seymour Duncan Dimebag pickups

Applied JE Mosers peacock blue dye first, then sanded down lightly with 320, then mixed a strong ebony with a touch of the blue and covered the entire body, sanded the top down some and added the blue in top. If it's sunny tomorrow I will apply the Solarez grain sealer and if time permits I'll be finishing it off with the Solarez poly gloss. Can't wait until this is done but I will take my sweet time so I don't screw up.

The neck will just get the simple coat of boiled linseed oil after sanding up to 2000.





Love the body shape and the colour. That last picture is what I reckon a tiger would look like if it had dark green and black stripes. Awesome flame maple top. Looking forward to this project.
Thanks guys,
Just routed the extension for the D-Tuna, unfortunately no sun today so it will have to wait a few days before I get that top coat on.
Just a quick update on the Z. My inexperience with finishing lead the top very uneven, so when time allows I will strip off that top coat and try again, with more practice this time, or have it finished by someone. I did manage to put the whole thing together, she does sound pretty damn awesome. I'll get a video going soon before I send her off to get refinished.
Missed this one first time around. That's a beautiful color / treatment.

What do you mean the top was uneven? :icon_scratch: Got any pics?

Pity to have it all put together and sounding great, then have to send it off for refinishing! :sad1:
I have to say, the pix you've shared so far show a really unique and original, head-turning finish. I'm dying to see it with a spit shine. What is it that you don't like about it?
Overall it just needs to be level sanded, but I sanded through the top coat and after a couple more applications and trial and more error I just said screw it and just shell out the cash to have someone finish the guitar for me. Hell I have an original floyd rose on it and even routed out the little channel for the D-Tuna, I might as well spend the cash to make it look good.

Here's a video of my first recording, special guest appearance from my new kitty Pickles. Excuse the sorry ass tapping, I haven't done that stuff in over a decade.
