
VIP Gonna take a while on this one but couldn't let em slip away.

Well a box showed up from Germany today with all my ruthenium finished pieces  :toothy12: I got a long week of school but will have some free time next week for assembly.
That was faster than expected, eh? Nice looking parts. I sorta expected them to look a little more 'smokey', though. From the pics, they almost look like chrome.
Ya only 3 and a half weeks. That aint bad coming from overseas. I pictured it a lot darker too! Up against chrome it is a little smokey but nowhere near how I imagined.  I'm using either way. I think it will still look good.

Sorry about the background. Kinda distracting for a comparison photo  :toothy11:
Well, on the plus side, ruthenium has some qualities you don't get from chrome. It's essentially impervious to acids and it won't tarnish or oxidize (rust) like chrome will, so it's well-suited to guitar parts that get a lot of exposure to both those things. In other words, it'll always look good, instead of just when you install it new. According to the Wikipedia, it's sorta like platinum. How many guys have platinum plated parts on their fiddles?  :icon_biggrin:
Cagey said:
Well, on the plus side, ruthenium has some qualities you don't get from chrome. It's essentially impervious to acids and it won't tarnish or oxidize (rust) like chrome will, so it's well-suited to guitar parts that get a lot of exposure to both those things. In other words, it'll always look good, instead of just when you install it new. According to the Wikipedia, it's sorta like platinum. How many guys have platinum plated parts on their fiddles?  :icon_biggrin:

Bahahaah I have finally gone platinum and I don't even have an album.

That's a bonus! It's gonna be fun watching my brushed nickle pickups change so much while the rest doesn't.
pabloman said:
Schaller makes Ruthenium covers too! :headbang:

I was checking that. I didn't see them for the p90's. We'll see how she looks and sounds. If it doesnt turn out good I can always throw a set of humbuckers in and get a set of covers  :icon_thumright:
I was thinking of getting some of that Schiller hardware, does the output jack plate look like it could be bent to give a stronger curve?
amigarobbo said:
I was thinking of getting some of that Schiller hardware, does the output jack plate look like it could be bent to give a stronger curve?

It feels pretty solid. I'm thinking if you screwed it to and curved surface it would bend to it. Not a 100% on that though. It has a perfect curve already for the VIP body.


Well I am having problems on this one. The bridge has to be set so high for proper action. It is almost like there shouldn't have been an angled neck pocket. Or even better maybe a .720 mod. I don't know. The neck definitely needs to sit lower. I just don't have the tools right now. Might have to bench this one for the moment untill after nursing school. 6 months out. I don't have the space or tools to do this at the moment. Any thoughts.
I'm afraid lowering/leveling the neck pocket floor is about the only thing that will fix that.
Wow.  I have a carved top LPS with an angled pocket and same bridge and it is no where close to that.  How high is the string action now??  That 6th string looks pretty far off the fretboard.

Ya I was just roughing it in. It is a bit high. The bottom of the string is at 2mm but even lowering to 1.5mm the bridge is pretty high. I'd be way happier with everything closer to the body. I wish I had access to a shop. I'm in this little apartment and my girlfriend might kill me if I bring a router in. Already with the surfboards, bikes and guitars I am pushing it with space.
Yeah, routers can make some pretty impressive messes even with minor bites out of things.
if you are only talking a few mm, you can also take some off the neck.  I have done that before.  Just make sure you adjust your screws if needed.  I ddid not because it was just a bit of material.
That is a thought too. Thanks DMRACO. I think I am going to with routing the neck pocket. Always wanted to build a tele from scratch. This will be a good excuses to get the tools. Just gotta wait for some space.
Is the neck pocket clean? A bit of finish accumulated in the pocket can wreak havoc with neck angle. In this case I'd be looking for finish on the back wall and in the corners that might be preventing the neck from seating fully.