
Two year warranty.

line6man said:
Is this new?

I was just looking at the Warmoth website today and saw the two year warranty thing, which I could have sworn was always just one year?


Does this only apply to new orders, or is my 14 month old neck still good for another 10 months? :blob7:

The warranty upgrade to two years is a few months old.  The change was made with little fanfare, though I consider it a fairly big deal.  Most replacement parts manufacturers offer little to no warranty.  Warmoth went in the opposite direction and extended their warranty.

If your neck meets the warranty requirements, then your warranty has been extended. :icon_thumright:
Wyliee said:
The warranty upgrade to two years is a few months old.  The change was made with little fanfare, though I consider it a fairly big deal.  Most replacement parts manufacturers offer little to no warranty.  Warmoth went in the opposite direction and extended their warranty.

If your neck meets the warranty requirements, then your warranty has been extended. :icon_thumright:

Yeah, I would have thought this would be a huge thing. :icon_scratch:

Totally awesome! 10 more months warranty on my Padouk/Pau Ferro neck! :icon_biggrin:
Thanks to Warmoth for showing everyone else how it's supposed to be done.  :)

That means my Canary + Macassar Ebony Gecko neck has another 10 months; my all-Purpleheart Gecko neck has another 11 months; etc...