I'm on my 3rd coat of Tung Oil on my black dye strat project - how many coats of Tung Oil is enough? It's starting to look nice and glassy already, so I think that 3 to 4 more would be good.
What is everyone's experience?
Also, I have a couple of little runs near where my mounting screws are attached on the back. My understanding with tung oil is that you just keep on applying layers and it will level out. Is that correct, or should I sand the little runs down first?
R :guitaristgif: :evil4:
I'm on my 3rd coat of Tung Oil on my black dye strat project - how many coats of Tung Oil is enough? It's starting to look nice and glassy already, so I think that 3 to 4 more would be good.
What is everyone's experience?
Also, I have a couple of little runs near where my mounting screws are attached on the back. My understanding with tung oil is that you just keep on applying layers and it will level out. Is that correct, or should I sand the little runs down first?
R :guitaristgif: :evil4: