
Tung oil finish on mahogany


My first attempt at finishing a guitar body and neck with tung oil. Decided to go with the "real milk" tung oil as it uses citrus solvent instead of white spirit. Need some advice on the process. After sanding to 220 (starting with 180) first two coats will use the diluted oil (50%) and waiting 24h between each coat.
How much oil should I apply to each coat? I've seen some people suggest pouring large amount and letting it soak into the wood
Do I need to sand the guitar between coats?
Well, with Tru Oil, I go 24-48 hours between thin wipe on coats, get about 6-8 coats on before level sanding by hand, not machine, with about 320-400 grit. I’d rather work longer with greater precision than to work more quickly and run the risk of sanding too deeply. At this point, you can add a few more coats, level again with 400, then began progressively higher in grits. Your technique should be one of light pressure, not aggressive. Once you get past 1000 grit, then you can begin to wet sand from 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, then 3000, then you can start buffing/polishing. There is no hurry to finish work if quality is desired. Take your time.
Tony is on it. Thin as possible, wait at least 24 hours between applications, particularly with tung oil which cures more slowly than tru oil. What you want to avoid is adding any new oil on top of less than cured oil. This becomes a gummy mess. If you want a quick process, choose another product.

Also, Eagle brand assilex paper used dry is an alternative to the wet sanding Tony suggested in the late stages. Expensive stuff but lasts a long time if frequently unloaded by wiping across a cloth.
I can't speak to Tung Oil, but for TruOil....

I apply 2-3 coats at a time, starting with using a rag to apply, and then wipe smooth. No more than 2-3 coats as it then starts getting gummy. Let dry about 30 minutes, and then reapply. After the 1st 5 days or so, then go back and lightly sand for smoothness and leveling.

As I get through this process for a week, then I start using 800-1000 wet dry during the application of the oil and sand using the oil. This fills the pores a bit and adds to a bit of contrast between the wood and grain.

I do this process for about a week (2-3 coats/day). Then when getting to the last few coats, I mix with either mineral spirits or naptha, and use higher grit wet/dry sandpaper. This helps give a gloss coat.

As I understand it, Tung Oil is even thinner than TruOil. I'd guess it would require less coats during a session, and a longer curing period.
Actually don’t dump it on thick. It can stay wet under the surface for months if not longer. Put on very thin coats.