
Torn between 2 possible new guitars...


Hero Member
Hi Guys,

I haven't posted in quite some time, but I want your input in this.

I have the choice between 2 projects.

1: a gibson les paul custom, 1970 or 1971, repainted in vintage white, modded with a third humbucker, with a repaired neckcrack.

2: warmoth carved top les paul body, flamed maple on korina, my own finish (purplemist burst), with a cocobolo neck (musikraft), tremking trem, 3 humbuckers

what would you guys do?
Orpheo, if I didn't know it was you, I'd be loading up the Troll-a-matic and taking aim.......

Lets see, a LP Custom from the dark Norlin days of Gibson, where they F'd up everything "just because they could", thats been busted, fixed, repainted, raped, and put up on the block as a bit of a renewed virgin harlot.....


A Warmoth, assembled by your own hand.

Orpheo, you of all people are asking this?  Dude, you bought and sold like 20 pairs of humbuckers looking for just the right one.  Every one of your guitars contains a species of exotic wood so rare your collection pushed it into extinction.  I'm surprised you're even interested in the Gibson.

Ideally, you should buy the Gibson, flip it at a profit, and use the proceeds to make the Warmoth extra-baller.  :headbang:
Or if you want a "real" set neck, vintage spec LP - get a Bacchus, Navigator or similar! Handmade to very high japanese quality standards they make most Gibsons completely irrelevant.
@ all the guys: thanks, I lost my bearings for a sec ;)

I'll see what I can do... I don't have a yearning for a set-neck lester, only for exotic woods and awesome pickups, haha.

hm, new idea: padouk top, wenge back, ebony neck and board... :guitaristgif: :dontknow:
Orf Orf Orf!!!!

It is time for a strat or a tele for you!!! it has to happen someday! get a carved top tele/LP hybrid!!! with lots of f-holes and exotic woods!!
I would say carved bloodwood top on a black korina body! nice bocote neck with ebony fb!
Orpheo said:
I have the choice between 2 projects.

1: a gibson les paul custom, 1970 or 1971, repainted in vintage white, modded with a third humbucker, with a repaired neckcrack.

2: warmoth carved top les paul body, flamed maple on korina, my own finish (purplemist burst), with a cocobolo neck (musikraft), tremking trem, 3 humbuckers

what would you guys do?

If it was me, I wouldn't do either one of those. The last time I got a hard-on for a Les Paul, I bought an Agile AL-3000. Every bit as nice as a Gibson LP Custom for an order of magnitude less money. Then I was reminded why I don't generally play Les Pauls - short scale, limited access fingerboard, no vibrato, heavier than sin, etc. Luckily, I was only out $400 instead of $3,500 and it's still a nice guitar to have laying around for when you need that kind of sound. That left money to build a Warmoth that made more sense <grin>


Sorry, no Fender type guitars for me. I like the tone, as long as I don't have to play them, cause I don't like the feel... the flat top, no angled head or neck, no pointy bridge as am anchor for my hand...

I am reconsidering the whole project. Perhaps later... I want a les Paul with a nice flametop, purplemist burst, cocobolo neck, and a les Paul with a Koa top on korina, with a solid ebony neck, buy both with the tremking system, but that is almost double my budget, I don't 'need' 2 new guitars, what will they offer me, tonewise? Not much, I suppose...

So, most likely, I won't do something, but wait indefinitely for my 2 crimsons. They play and sound wonderful, but the wait... once, but never again.
of course you can... get a carved top tele, with an angled neck, TOM/Stop, 2 or 3 humbuckers, and it feels just like a LP!! but different!

like this:
@ marko

I dont like the tele shape, nor the strat shape...if i were to have a singlecoil equiped guitar, it'd be a flattop lester with singlecoils...
Marko said:
alright then, fair enough.. at least I tried  :icon_biggrin:

yeah, you tried ;) I tried it too, you know, but I always sold my fender-y guitars. I always kept on sticking to my (warmoth) les pauls.

I have 3 sets pickups...

jb/bluesbucker hybrid with alnico5 and an underwound scatterwound PAF with alnico8
stagmag/PATB2 hybrid with alnico8 and thick ceramic magnet.

now I need to find THREE guitars for those pickups!

what about....

koa/korina for the first 2 sets, maple/korina for the last set, ebony for the prails+koa, cocobolo for the maple top LP, and uhm... (what kind of wood I dont have...?) bloodwood...?
then I only need to 'create' a guitar for a goncalo alves neck, cause thats the last one to be had!

Did I mention that I have a thing for purplemist burst on flamed maple, and koa, on les pauls?  :toothy12:


hmm. i think the maple LP should have moreof a purple color. have you considered a purplemist burst?  :icon_biggrin:
Patrick said:
hmm. i think the maple LP should have moreof a purple color. have you considered a purplemist burst?  :icon_biggrin:

no, not really, but thanks for thinking along!  :icon_jokercolor: :icon_thumright:
I think I made up my mind.

I want that les paul body in the showcase with the 1 piece back and top. I'll have it painted in a great, lovely purplemist burst, with a transparant purple back. I'm still in doubt about the middle pickup. yay or nay? I like it, and most likely, I'll miss it if its not there. I think of doing some prails with triple shots with a real p90 in the middle, but I'm also thinking about a fake middle pickup, and just 2 AWESOME pickups in the neck and bridge. or those great pickups I have in mind with a p90...

I'll have a nice experiment of my own, before I have the guitar finished. I'll rout in a 5 way switch where you regularly have the 3 way toggle. I'll use a custommade switchplate for mounting and covering of the 3way toggle-hole. It will be a 4 pole switch, so I can have a special wiring (simply put, assignable volume and tonepots).

I'll have all the pickups in gold, as usual, gold hardware all over, really EVERYWHERE (including, but not limited to the washers and strapbuttons). I will also stick to a regular ToM bridge, no fancy tremolos, unless I can find that old floyd-for-les pauls (which, are by the way, bloody expensive!).

The neck will be a fatback wenge neck, ebony board, matching binding, and celtic cross+skull and bone inlay on the 12th fret (my 'signature' inlay or so it would seem).

that will be my 'killer guitar #3'. my first was my first 'koa' les paul (koa top, walnut back, 3 humbuckers, kahler, ziricote neck, ebony board), my 'killer guitar #2' was the purpleheart top on rosewood, canary neck, ebony board, 3 humbuckers.

I have 3 'killer crimson guitars', but #2 and #3 aren't finished yet,it takes AGES for them to be completed, but okay.

I decided to have that body, because if I were to buy/order a custom body, with the ebony neckshaft by musikraft, I wouldn't have a cool inlay nor binding, and thats something I really want to have on a guitar. at LEAST inlay, and musikraft doesn't do that. and nobody else will make cocobolo or ebony necks. besides, cocobolo isn't that superspecial; its a tradename for special kinds of rosewood. most people won't even hear the difference, its a bit like ziricote vs BRW (vs cocobolo) and BRW vs IRW. Cagey told some days ago the same story :P
this one?

