line6man said:I don't like Apple, don't like most of their products, and certainly don't like the trendy people that use them, but I do like iPhones, and have been using one for the past four years. I just happen to think that Apple's approach to very simple and elegant operating systems suits cell phones well. Of course, I'm not super picky with my phone, either. People usually assume that because I have my OCD-ish issues with being connected to internet-land all the time, I must have a **** load of apps, but I don't. I mostly use my phone for internet and emailing, then only a handful of apps like Pandora, Shazam, Netflix, Flickr, mobile banking, etc. (The alarm clock is my least favorite frequently used app, however.) Computers are a different story. An iMac or a MacBook or what have you most certainly does not suit my needs, and I have been with Microsoft operating systems since the beginning. I don't know how people can be happy with a Mac, but nonetheless, I don't care. I work with what suits me and my needs.
you're right the simplicity does suit phones pretty well. still a lot i don't like about it. there is a lot i don't like about android as well but i consider it the lesser of two evils because whatever i don't like about android i just root the phone and delete or replace with things i like. ok that's not for everyone. i also agree i would never be satisfies with an apple computer. and yes i have used them. i can explain exactly the the things i despise about them, this isn't a "you're just used to PCs" thing. i think a lot about the apple interface is just bad decisions. the biggest gripe i have about it is a lack of visual reference for everyday functions. sure i can learn hot keys, but i found task switching on apple computers very frustrating because on a pc with any operating system i never needed to learn, it's been pretty self explainitory. the taskbar is self explainitory and the option to ope a new window is not hidden in a menu. i have used fluxbox, gnome, kde, lxde, and xfce, in linux and i've replaced explorer in windows with wez's evil shell and 2 other alternative window managers (can't remember the names) i have never been as frustrated with any of them as i was with apple. and wez's evil shell and fluxbox are actually much more simplistic than apple, so you can get function with simplicity. simplicity isn't unique to apple.