
Things that bug me. (incomplete)

Way to be open-minded Max! I know people who've lived their entire lives around poutine and won't dare eat it. You saw it on a guitar forum and decided that it seemed like a good idea. Kudos!  :icon_biggrin:

Mayfly: I don't know about the Acadians inventing it, but I'll give your friend the benefit of the doubt. Let's just all agree that we just do poutine better here in Québec.  :laughing7:
It's cheese fries. With gravy. At least, what I made was. I did have some ketchup just in case, but didn't use it.
ErogenousJones said:
Yeah, that's about it. And yet some people just won't give in...


It's cheese CURDS on those fries.  The fresher the better for the squeaky feel on your teeth.

And you call yourself a poutine expert  :laughing7:
mayfly said:
ErogenousJones said:
Yeah, that's about it. And yet some people just won't give in...


It's cheese CURDS on those fries.  The fresher the better for the squeaky feel on your teeth.

And you call yourself a poutine expert  :laughing7:

It's SUPPOSED to be cheese curds, but apparently, actual cheese is cheaper (the grease shops...err...pizza joints around here all use regular mozzarella cheese) and really, it doesn't taste all that much different  :laughing7:
It mightn't taste different, but Mayfly is right; the squeak is important. "Un fromage qui fait quik-quik" is what we say in French.  :laughing7:
Ha, The Cheese will go squeak squeak?

I would have gotten curds, but they're not as easy to get here.
Max said:
Ha, The Cheese will go squeak squeak?

I would have gotten curds, but they're not as easy to get here.

actually, curds (and all raw milk cheeses) are outlawed by the US government.  No I'm not kidding.

Poor bastards.  Crap for beer and now this.
Things that bug me, talking to max when I'm at work and... well...

Luke: its funny damnit

maxlewis92: i just woke up :P

Luke: ... its noon you slag

maxlewis92: so laughing isn't an option
Things that bug me.......

People who say 'Slag' too often  :icon_tongue:  especially when they are not from the Eastside (of London).......... Aii!
jimh said:
Things that bug me.......

People who say 'Slag' too often  :icon_tongue:

Americans who say 'slag'  :icon_biggrin:

just doesn't make sense

Slag is a byproduct of metal smelting, and hundreds of tons of it are produced every year all over the world in the process of refining metals and making alloys. Like other industrial byproducts, slag actually has many uses, and rarely goes to waste. Slag appears in concrete, aggregate road materials, as ballast, and is sometimes used as a component of phosphate fertilizer. In appearance, slag looks like a loose collection of aggregate, with lumps of varying sizes. Slag is also sometimes referred to as cinder, in a reference to its sometimes dark and crumbly appearance.
Mark O said:
jimh said:
Things that bug me.......

People who say 'Slag' too often  :icon_tongue:

Americans who say 'slag'  :icon_biggrin:

just doesn't make sense

Slag is a byproduct of metal smelting, and hundreds of tons of it are produced every year all over the world in the process of refining metals and making alloys. Like other industrial byproducts, slag actually has many uses, and rarely goes to waste. Slag appears in concrete, aggregate road materials, as ballast, and is sometimes used as a component of phosphate fertilizer. In appearance, slag looks like a loose collection of aggregate, with lumps of varying sizes. Slag is also sometimes referred to as cinder, in a reference to its sometimes dark and crumbly appearance.

the humor of that is the word slag means the same in english as it does in english.

The usage I use, along with a lot of the UK is called Slang.

Marko has learned about slang just today!

*The more you know!*  :icon_jokercolor: