
The one suggestion that I cannot believe nobody has come up with yet!


Senior Member
Maybe I haven't searched long enough in the suggestion box...... and if I haven't please excuse my ignorance.....  I can't believe nobody has suggested this.  Maybe my idea sucks, and that is why nobody suggested it, but what the hell.....

Warmoth logo and Turtle Picks!  Have you guys ever had picks made?  I'd buy a dozen!  My favorite would be the 'Turtle' on tortise picks!

ya, or a little silver metal turtle decal, for on the round part of a strat headstock. I'd buy one of those in a minute!
BigBeard said:
Maybe I haven't searched long enough in the suggestion box...... and if I haven't please excuse my ignorance.....  I can't believe nobody has suggested this.  Maybe my idea sucks, and that is why nobody suggested it, but what the hell.....

Warmoth logo and Turtle Picks!  Have you guys ever had picks made?  I'd buy a dozen!  My favorite would be the 'Turtle' on tortise picks!

I think that's a good idea, too. But, I'm sure you've seen how many different styles, sizes, thicknesses, and materials picks are made of since there's little agreement on what works best. For instance, I don't use anything but .73mm Dunlop Ultex picks. If Warmoth didn't sell those, I wouldn't be buying any picks from them. Besides, they have a $25 minimum order. About the only time you'd be able to order picks is if you're ordering other things as well.
I use 1.0mm tortex picks. (http://www.jimdunlop.com/index.php?page=products/pip&id=52&pmh=products/picks)
I'm never sure why I got a bag of them, since 1 pick lasts me 3-4 years.
I tend to hang on to a single pick for extended periods, too. But, some people go through them like kleenex.
I use a Pick Boy 1.0 ceramic pic and love em'.  They have these little dimples all over them that really makes them easy to grip.  I discovered them about a year ago and have not used anything since.
So, I doubt if I would buy a Warmoth pic.  They could however give away a Warmoth pic with a body or neck order.  I got a Lollar pic for free with my Lollar P-90's.


I hate that stupid turtle! I don't want it on my guitar picks or anything else.

Warmoth logo'd picks OTOH, might be cool. Throw in a pick with every order. :headbang1:
How about some Jazz 3's?

:headbang1: :guitarplayer2: :party07: :rock-on: :headbang: :evil4: :guitaristgif: :hello2:
line6man said:
I hate that stupid turtle! I don't want it on my guitar picks or anything else.

Warmoth logo'd picks OTOH, might be cool. Throw in a pick with every order. :headbang1:

L6M.....  Ok so what about the turtle on one side and the warmoth logo on the other?

I was thinking more on the lines of promo shwag...... not really thinking of the turtle as my pick supplier or anything like that.....  I'm just actually suprised more than anything that a guitar parts manufacturer doesn't have picks.  I mean they sell T-shirts, which I just noticed.  I would have bought a shirt if I knew the last time I ordered. 

AutoBat said:
I use 1.0mm tortex picks. (http://www.jimdunlop.com/index.php?page=products/pip&id=52&pmh=products/picks)
I'm never sure why I got a bag of them, since 1 pick lasts me 3-4 years.

I use these:

They last for about a month :\
BigBeard said:
line6man said:
I hate that stupid turtle! I don't want it on my guitar picks or anything else.

Warmoth logo'd picks OTOH, might be cool. Throw in a pick with every order. :headbang1:

L6M.....  Ok so what about the turtle on one side and the warmoth logo on the other?

I was thinking more on the lines of promo shwag...... not really thinking of the turtle as my pick supplier or anything like that.....  I'm just actually suprised more than anything that a guitar parts manufacturer doesn't have picks.  I mean they sell T-shirts, which I just noticed.  I would have bought a shirt if I knew the last time I ordered. 


Sorry, I don't like the Warmoth turtle mascot at all. :blob7:

How about one pick design with the turtle, and a second design with just the Warmoth logo?
It looks like to each his own with picks - I betcha that's why they don't sell 'em.  Throwing a pick in with an order is a cool promotional idea.  Sorta like the bumper sticker...
i'd love it! even if they aren't the right size for me i sort of collect picks (don't all guitar players?). a nice warmoth pick would go nicely with the PRS picks i got after the factory tour a had a few years ago  :icon_thumright:
JaySwear said:
i'd love it! even if they aren't the right size for me i sort of collect picks (don't all guitar players?). a nice warmoth pick would go nicely with the PRS picks i got after the factory tour a had a few years ago  :icon_thumright:

I know I do!!!!  I've noticed at some shows now that bands are printing picks too!!!  And don't forget about that once in a lifetime pick snag from the crowd at a show........ Warren Haynes tossed one out and my wife wrestled some dude for that one the show I met Warren at in '05 and she managed to score one from Bobby Weir's guitar tech during a setbreak

The pearly one on the right is Warren's and the red little Dunlop Jazz I is Bobby Weir's!!!!
There is this idea too....... I bought some parts from a guy in Florida and he tossed one of these in the box....... although they aren't the cheapest promotional piece, this is an awesome idea.  I kinda wish I could justify getting some of these printed myself.

JaySwear said:
i'd love it! even if they aren't the right size for me i sort of collect picks (don't all guitar players?). a nice warmoth pick would go nicely with the PRS picks i got after the factory tour a had a few years ago  :icon_thumright:

Not me. My pick collection has dwindled to just a handful over the years. I don't use them, so I don't buy them.
That's a cool idea...but...picks are strings and cigarettes.  People are very brand loyal and don't venture too far from the ones they've always used.  But, cool idea none the less.  BTW, I'm a pickless bass player.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
That's a cool idea...but...picks are strings and cigarettes.  People are very brand loyal and don't venture too far from the ones they've always used.  But, cool idea none the less.  BTW, I'm a pickless bass player.

Never really thought of it in terms of smokes.  I guess you are right, I mean I smoke Camels and have for as long as I can remember..... I used to smoke full flavor Winstons but for some reason I switched about 10 or 12 years ago to Camels......... 

I'm still saying it's a great promotional thing.  Maybe they could make them for just us forum members...... with some sort of secret password you could tell Spike when you were ordering.  Like you know, if you said while you were ordering, "You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant" that would be the code to throw in a pick or something.  But only post that on the board or something.  I don't know, it's an idea....!?!?!