The Hardest Goodbye...


Mythical Status
My beautiful sweet wife passed away on Sunday 3rd July in the evening after a long illness.

I am so sad I cannot describe it, though I know it is for the best that she is no longer suffering.

Don't say
We have come now to the end
White shores are calling
You and I will meet again
And you'll be here in my arms
Just sleeping

My brother, my  heart is with you. 

Loss is one of the things that brings us together - for loss is something we all will know, one way or another; and through it, we know that we are united in common humanity.  You will grieve, and that is natural, for you must go through the process of becoming the person who remains after your wife has gone on ahead.  And you will heal, as well, in your own time and in your own way. But you are part of a family here, and no doubt you are part of many families, of various sorts; for you are a man of generous spirit, and you are one who cares for others' wellbeing.  This family, I know, will direct its love your way as you go through this pain. 

May your love for your wife continue to sustain you and help you to heal, and may her memory enrich the life you have left ahead of you; and may the light of her love within you also brighten the days of those you share that life with.  Whatever else is true, she is now without pain and beyond suffering, and you may take comfort in that at least.


My deepest condolences, those are heartbreaking news. Today, I will be thinking about you and your wife, I am sending you all the energy I can.

My dear friend, my heart is with you.  I wish I could visit you. Know I'm with you. I'm so sorry.
Edit 8.3.22
My Dad died two weeks ago.  Sometimes I forget he's dead and  I have thoughts that I would like to talk to him about something.    I have no words other than there's a season to everything under heaven.
I am so sorry for your loss.  Praying for your comfort as you deal with this. 
It’s something that I hope to never experience as my wife is my best friend.

“What is grief, but love that is persevering”  Vision the Avenger.
I am so, so sorry to hear this terribly sad news. My thoughts are with you. I wish you peace and comfort. I hope you have some people around you to help comfort you through this terrible time.
I am so sorry for your loss.

I’m really bad at this in secular environments:  My heart pains for you and your family. You have the right outlook that she is no longer suffering.

Stay strong. Rely on those who are willing to help.  Don’t isolate, talk to friends about this and how you feel.
One of the worst pains you’ll go through is not your own death, but the passing of your spouse.

I’ll PM you later
Thank you Ian and to all of you for your most sincere thoughts and words, they mean so much and are all very kind.

My wife would often sit with me and look at some of the guitars and builds of the forum. She was truly my best friend and I have close family with me for the time being but I will be alone at home in a week or so.

TBurst Std, you should be able to PM me now as I added you to the buddy list.

Understandably as I go through this time for at least a while I may be less active on the forum but you are all in my thoughts also.

Peace and Love...
Oh, man, my deepest condolences. I can only imagine the pain. Know that my heart goes out to you, with all my best thoughts.
Cagey said:
Oh, man, my deepest condolences. I can only imagine the pain. Know that my heart goes out to you, with all my best thoughts.

Thank you Cagey I appreciate it.

You're on these forums all the time, offering so much insightful and helpful advice, but I wouldn't have known this if I hadn't uncharacteristically came into Off Topic.  My wife recently went through major (but not open) heart surgery and it'll be awhile if we know how successful it was, and still I cannot fathom the pain you must be in.

My deepest condolences.
Like DuckBaloo, the off-topic area is a place I seldom come, so I am just now seeing this. I am so sorry for your loss.

Grief is the price we pay for love, and it is always worth it. May you find peace soon.
@Duck Baloo Thank you for your kind words and condolences. I wish all the best to your wife's recovery.

@The Aaron thank you also for your kind words. Appreciated.
