Lucky and SL, one thing, just seems so obvious, that you guys don't seem to want to realize: people are paying more attention to politics now than anytime since the 60s. The last election saw the highest turnout in decades particularly among the young and Americans are more involved in politics than they've been for a long time. People 'woke up', and voted Republicans out of office, less than a year ago. They're not going to 'wake up again' and listen to some asshat in a wig. This is where the solid majority of Americans wants to go, it's not that they're not paying attention. And the alternative - the Republican health care proposal for instance is four pages long and contains no numbers or actual proposals. Hmm, sounds great! :doh:
Oh, and the biggest crackup has got to be the 'fiscal conservative reagan lovers' - WTF? That guy never even attempted to balance a budget - he did the same as Bush, EXACTLY - cut taxes for the wealthy, increased defense spending, and not TOUCH any of the extremely popular domestic spending programs. Same result, twice - massive massive deficits. Hmmm, maybe we should try again and this time it'll work!!! I mean, duh. :icon_tongue: