
Testicular Fortitude!!!


Master Member
'nuff said.

I could watch just the first two minutes. It is spot on. but too depressing to finish.
I stopped listening at "taxation without representation."  What a moron.
The best way to stop the illegals from coming would have been to not pass any stimulus, allow GM and Chrysler to straight up fail with no gov interference, and let the chips fall where they may in the financial sector, all of which this idiot probably favored. With 25-35% unemployment, chinese ownership of our whole banking system and much of our industry, and bankrupt state governments across the country, illegals would definitely stay away.

It's time for constructive criticism and grown up dialogue, not costumed demagogues, man. If you're against things the gov is doing now, that's fine - but this is a time for being reasonable and constructive, not chicken-little panic man. Republicans seriously need to grow a pair or idiots like this, preaching to 20% of the country, are going to be all they've got left.
No offense intended, but you did post this junk.
Amen, brotha.  When are people gonna wake the F up?

"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project."

"Back in 1927, an American socialist, Norman Thomas, six times candidate for President on the Socialist Party ticket, said that the American people would never vote for socialism but he said under the name of liberalism the American people would adopt every fragment of the socialist program."

"Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no responsibility at the other."

"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."

- Ronald Reagan
"you're sucking at the hind tit of a dead cow"  :laughing11:

but seriously, this guy sounds like andy rooney and regis philbin had a child.

as bad as the economy has been, when posting a youtube video of a man wearing a wig (i hope...) and crotch-tall-socks spurs anybody to action we're all going to need help
Why do people still think Reagan was any good?  Have you guys forgotten that the Reagan administration sold arms to Ayatollah Khomeini, GAVE arms to the Taliban, sold WMDs to Saddam Hussein, and sold crack in Los Angeles?  Plus, Afghanistan is by far the world's largest producer of opium, so Reagan gave the terrorists another gift in the War on Drugs, which was and still is an endless cash cow for them.  Thanks a lot.
The Taliban was fighting the Russians at the time so there's your answer there. 

If he was every bit as bad as you seem to think, he was still about 7000 times better than this guy.


We'll forget he stood firm against some of the same BS ideas that are being proposed today as well as the Russians. 

As for the video, sure he's dramatic, but something has to get people's attention.
Lucky and SL, one thing, just seems so obvious, that you guys don't seem to want to realize: people are paying more attention to politics now than anytime since the 60s. The last election saw the highest turnout in decades particularly among the young and Americans are more involved in politics than they've been for a long time. People 'woke up', and voted Republicans out of office, less than a year ago. They're not going to 'wake up again' and listen to some asshat in a wig. This is where the solid majority of Americans wants to go, it's not that they're not paying attention. And the alternative - the Republican health care proposal for instance is four pages long and contains no numbers or actual proposals. Hmm, sounds great!  :doh:

Oh, and the biggest crackup has got to be the 'fiscal conservative reagan lovers' - WTF?   That guy never even attempted to balance a budget - he did the same as Bush, EXACTLY - cut taxes for the wealthy, increased defense spending, and not TOUCH any of the extremely popular domestic spending programs. Same result, twice - massive massive deficits. Hmmm, maybe we should try again and this time it'll work!!!  I mean, duh.  :icon_tongue:
tfarny said:
Lucky and SL, one thing, just seems so obvious, that you guys don't seem to want to realize: people are paying more attention to politics now than anytime since the 60s. The last election saw the highest turnout in decades particularly among the young and Americans are more involved in politics than they've been for a long time. People 'woke up', and voted Republicans out of office, less than a year ago. They're not going to 'wake up again' and listen to some asshat in a wig. This is where the solid majority of Americans wants to go, it's not that they're not paying attention. And the alternative - the Republican health care proposal for instance is four pages long and contains no numbers or actual proposals. Hmm, sounds great!  :doh:

Oh, and the biggest crackup has got to be the 'fiscal conservative reagan lovers' - WTF?   That guy never even attempted to balance a budget - he did the same as Bush, EXACTLY - cut taxes for the wealthy, increased defense spending, and not TOUCH any of the extremely popular domestic spending programs. Same result, twice - massive massive deficits. Hmmm, maybe we should try again and this time it'll work!!!  I mean, duh.  :icon_tongue:

I'm hoping there'll be another "Reagan" with a "Reaganomics" plan to pull this nation out of yet another Dem national financial quagmire once O. does his four... just like the real Reagan did after "Jimmah" f00ked things up.

The only thing Dems know how to do fiscally-speaking is raise taxes; that's their "answer" to everything financial.

Still waiting on that "stimulus"... or at the very least, a light tickle on my leg (oh wait, that's just the Dems trying to take more of my money via taxes to pay for their idiotic "plan").
Ah yes, the young.  The idealistic.  The too naive to recognize a BS campaign promise when they see one. Hows that no tax increases below $250K working out?

Your boy is having Town Hall meetings claiming they aren't prescreening attendees and then getting busted by LIBERALS on lying about it.  He's bringing up fifty year olds who need transplants and pretending that that person is going to have their transplant paid for by government healthcare.  Just like the old lady who spontaneously stood up to ask a question from the audience about losing her home only to be subsequently revealed as a plant.  This administration is looking to pass some of the most tragic bills in our nation's history.  But don't worry, if you're poor, you shan't worry about any increase, you'll get vouchers.  And just remember who gave them to you.  You've got a joke like Nancy Pelosi calling constituents who called their democrat reps to speak against Cap & Trade "agents of the status quo" and Maxine Waters threatening to nationalize oil.

You've got the federal government trying to regulate salaries.  You've got the President of the United States of America writing letters to dictators who slaughter civilians and condemning countries that oust Presidents trying to follow in Hugo Chavez's footsteps.

As far as waking up goes, the strongly agree numbers and strongly disagree numbers are pretty much set to cross after a mere five months in office.  You've got Congress as a whole still acting like they are doing the will of the people when they were the only entity with approval ratings lower than Bush's final numbers. 

Luckily, I think midterm elections are going to swing back the other way.  Hopefully the Republicans will wise up and run a fiscal conservative who doesn't feel the need to beat people over the head with his bible.  Really, that's all they have to do at this point in my opinion.  The social conservativism is what is killing the party, not the finances. 

And before you throw Bush in my face or any other congressional asshat, I don't like them either.  They might be slightly better than the alternative, but their stupidity in selecting leaders to pander to the middle while not really being in the middle is annoying.  Personally, I'd throw every last one of them out of office and start over.  They've all played their part in expanding the federal government well beyond it's mandate.  The loss of the few decent reps would be more than outweighed by the ousting of the park barreling, do whatever it takes to get reelected, nincompoops that have cemented their positions.

Obama was right.  It is time for a change.  He's just not a change.  He's more of the same crap.
And seriously tfarny, Obama has decreased spending in several areas and still managed to jack the deficit to an unheard of level.  Deficit talk with the prince of "i'm going to spend our way out of the deficit" is absurd.
I'm one BILLION percent in favor of nationalizing oil.  And with that I declare this argument unresolvable.  :p
I want the government to pay for everything!

I'm too stupid and lazy to handle things myself, so I'll give all my moneys to the government because surely they know best, and then Obama's gonna pay off my car and my mortgage!

Now that's what I call Hope And Change!

:tard:  :tard:  :tard:
I thought we were done with this shite?
I am not on either side, I am not even an american, but holy crap, those republicans sure are bitter.
and yes, if McCain was president, everything would be lovely now! 3, 4 months would absolutely been enough time for him to fix everything!