
Tele Bomb!!!!!!!

This guitar required some major corective surgery on the top because of the chunks that were taken out of it by the planer.  Now that it has be level sanded with a roller sander here it is with its first wash coat of lacquer. It will get one more wash coat of lacquer and then some soft wood repairs with super glue, clear paste filler and then I'll start with color on the top.  I'll take some shots of the super glue repair when I get to it.


Looks great Tonar...  :headbang1:
My grandest of thanks to the surgeon.  He saved a life!

DangerousR6 said:
Looking good, looks awfuly close to "old Spalty".... :laughing7:

Well, Old Spalty was the inspiration for the Tele Bomb.  Except, ain't no way I'm gonna touch that flame on Old Spalty  :glasses9:

Yes Old Spalty is about the finest piece of spalt I have seen. I would have loved to touch that one cause there is some magic in that piece of wood!
On to the fortifying the splat top with Cyanoacrylate.

The first picture is an example of the huge craters that were in this top when I open the box. Not only were there craters but also the top was not fully level so when you ran your hand over it you could feel the highs and lows of the surface.  After we ran it through a high-end roller sander we had a level top but still a few spots of soft end grain wood. That is what you see in the second picture.  I used Insta-Cure Super Thin Cyanoacrylate and you can see in the third picture it has soaked in as soon as it hit the surface.  After a couple of applications on the super soft wood it stopped soaking in and has strengthened the wood to the point where I can level sand it and get some clear paste filler on.

The last picture is a color sample board of tobacco and cherry against the back so we can see how they go with the back wood.  The left side of the board has red over brown at the top let and brown over red at the bottom left.  Then the top is just cherry and the bottom tobacco.  I did the board to see how the colors would look by themselves and blended on top of each other. I have one more sample board to do, as I’m sure neither of these is the look Bart is after.  What do you think of these colors with the back wood?



i know you weren't going for a burst, Tonar, but it does look like a beautiful finish with the variation of color. really classy looking.
I for one would think the back needs some kind of tint or color to it to match a red/brown/yellow/burst/whateveryourdoin, but it wouldn't look bad if left teh way it is now. The back is korina?
yeh sorta a reddish mahog. look to the back BK would be cool especially with the binding and all .. .
I'm all for tobacco-type burst on anything, but spalted looks so good natural. Maybe just a little amber.