Let me quote where jack failed to... (no offense, just for clarification)
(Quote http://www.musicianshotline.com/archive/monthly/ask_budda/08_05.htm )
I tried plugging my guitar into a Peavey tube head vtm 60 (no speakers, no dummy load) I then connected the Peavey via the effects send to the input jack of my Fender Blues DeVille. The Peavey sounds great as a preamp. From what I've been reading this is BAD. Is it?
Thanks, Jeff Schwartz
Yes BAD is a good word to describe what you're doing. You see, a tube amp, unlike a solid state amp, needs to have a load on its output. The AC current and voltage on the primary and secondary sides of the output transformer are directly affected by the load on the secondary side. The optimum conditions exist when the secondary (or output) side of the transformer is properly loaded. Some tube amps use shorting jacks for the speaker outputs. When there is no load connected to the speaker jack, the output of the transformer is shorted to ground. Now while this is far from an ideal condition, it will, for a short duration, prevent damage from occurring in the output transformer. It will, however, cause damage to most transformers if this condition is sustained for any extended period of time because too much current is being drawn from the transformer. Since I believe your Peavey uses open jacks for the speaker outputs instead of shorting jacks, an opposite but potentially more dangerous condition exists. When there is NO load on an output transformer, it attempts to develop more voltage on the secondary side. This can cause the internal insulation of the transformer to break down and high voltage arcing can occur causing shorted turns or open windings.
There may be, however, a couple scenarios that may have spared your output transformer. First, is if the effects loop is a simple series loop, and the "send" jack actually breaks the signal path. This is not probable, as most amps use the "return" jack to break the signal, but I have seen a few designs that use the send, so it is at least possible. The next is if the effects loop in the amp is "pre-master", and you had the master volume turned off. This would prevent any signal from driving the output stage, so the tubes and transformer would not be attempting to drive a speaker load.
The best advice I can give you is to hook the amp up correctly and see if it still functions properly. If it does, and you still plan to use the amp in this manner, run right out (do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars) and purchase a proper load for the amp. THD makes a nice unit called the Hot Plate, and there are others made by Weber, Dr. Z, Tube Amp Doctor and Marshall. I believe most of these even have a line out on them that you can use instead of the effects send of the Peavey. That would give you the total sound of the amp including the output stage, where some nice things happen if you drive it hard enough. The tone and response of the output stage is a very integral part of the tone of our Budda Amps, which we, of course, recommend never be run unloaded.
Remember, a loaded amp is a healthy amp! Wait a minute, Let me re-phrase that. Ah, nevermind.
Jeff Bober
(end quote)
Sort of.... its actually a safe condition if the transformer was sized and specified properly to begin with. When things are marginalized, not telling. FWIW - Marshall did, and still does, marginalize their transformers. Its part of their signature tone, having to do with the saturation of the transformer, or put another way, when its magnetic properties do not permit any further "transformation" from one coil to another (in laymans terms).
You father should know that ANY transformer that is run continuously with no load is going to run hot. Worse, transformers are made to transform AC, but output transformers on guitar amps have a large DC current which is always present. What happens on the primary side (tube side) depends on what is presented on secondary side. If there is an open secondary, the primary is basically a DC electromagnet, since no "transformation" takes place, and it quickly overheats. The shorted secondary, while not ideal... should actually last indefinitely (I differ with the Budda guy) so long as the transformer itself is not under spec'd to begin with. There are _those guys_ that will use a 3w rated transformer on a 5w or 8w output, because they like the saturated sound. Performance has it price, nuff said.
Hope that clears it up a bit.