
Starting a build - Warmoth VIP

Johnny said:
I love the pickup mount.  Very cool way to do it.  I've been trying to figure out how to get a flush mounted pickup ring on an EMG route and that just may be the answer.

Also, the last pics look like the stud holes for the termelo have been filled.  Did you plug them or is there something stuffed in the holes just for the finishing process?

Yeah, they are just stuffed and covered for the finishing process
That's really sharp! Nice job!

Doesn't look like bright green by any stretch of the imagination, though. Even given phone camera shots and bad lighting, I couldn't call that green.
Looks great!  Any chance of getting some better pics - including one of the back.  Thanks!
FernandoDuarte said:
TMS! Too Many Switches!!!!!
But love the color with the hardware, looks cool!

With the acustophonic pre-amp installed and the hexpander also goin in it all the switches are necessary.
1) Piezo on/off
2) Midi on/off
3) Midi program up/down