Ok... Phew.. I got the dye on the body
First I got the back side prepped for another vinyl and cut a control plate out of flamed mahogany.
I needed the plate to be wood, her name would be hard to see on that black plastic.
Ok so for anyone who tries this method. vinyl leaves a bit of adhesive residue and you have to be sure you get it all off. I learned the hard way.
Here is the upper horn after the design has been sealed and unmasked. you can see the residue.
All masked off and ready for the black dye (sorry no green, wife picked the colors)
And after drying, unmasking and a bit of cleaning up the lines
Awfully close to the Photoshop mockup in my opinion. There is no sealer yet, no cavities painted yet etc.
Also +1 on the Preval Sprayer. Thanks Bagman, it worked flawlessly.
By no means is it 100% cleaned up but here is an example of how it intersects the natural binding.
I'm quite happy with how it's coming out so far.