Woo! I got a visit from our good friend TroubledTreble, who just left my house about half an hour ago. He was so kind as to drop of a set of the new hum-sized P90's for me to throw in one of my guitars and I will be demoing those in the next few days.
We talked gear, children, jobs, biking, life in general... We also both did quite a bit of noodling on his Warmoth strat with the new S90 pickups. You can hear that he and I have completely different playing styles, so I thought this was a great opportunity to demo what these things can do.
First off - the guitar just sounded great. it has high end clarity and air without any kind of harshness, which is a big deal for me because i like my guitar tones to be real bright and crisp. The neck pickup had all the articulation and presence I wanted to, and switching to the bridge pickup was not as harsh and drastic of a tonal change as i expected. The pickups responded VERY well to pick - you can just let your hands do the talking. The difference in sound is more noticeable when picking at different parts of the strings than on any of my other guitars, and the dynamic range was just right without the sound getting too nasty when I really dug in.
overall, i was really impressed. I'm almost equally as impressed at how clean and sweet the recordings sound. All i did was quickly throw up my AT4040 large diaphragm condenser, pointed it dead on at the center of the speaker cone, and hit record on my DAW. No processing or mixing was done to the track afterwards. Unfortunately, i did a very long take playing a whole bunch of different stuff and only afterwards did I realize i forgot to hit record, so it's not super thorough. But you've got a solid 3 minutes of both of us playing to get an idea.
That really had me thinking that I want to get a strat now... wow. I am very much looking forward to getting the other pickups into my Artist and recording some clips of that as soon as I can. :headbang: