
Something is missing

How long before all the exotic woods become endangered and we can only make guitars out of ash, alder and maple?
Jeremiah said:
How long before all the exotic woods become endangered and we can only make guitars out of ash, alder and maple?

This is actually nothing new.  Modulus, Steinberger, et al have been making and expereimenting with alternative materials for 20+ years.  It wasn't too long ago Parkers didn't have any wood.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom Uber-Dangerous said:
Jeremiah said:
How long before all the exotic woods become endangered and we can only make guitars out of ash, alder and maple?

This is actually nothing new.  Modulus, Steinberger, et al have been making and expereimenting with alternative materials for 20+ years.  It wasn't too long ago Parkers didn't have any wood.

Parkers have always been made of wood. On the top-of-the-line models, the necks are wrapped in carbon fibre, but it's always been wood (generally poplar) underneath.
if parkers weren't so darned ugly (the shape), I would have bought one. but there are so many other fine woods for guitars. ipe, tulip poplar, beech, yew,holly, pearwood, applewood, cherry, sycamore, oak. I saw a kickass guitar once, spalt beech top on pearwood, with an iroko neck (or similar, anyway, it was cheapman's rosewood), with a toasted maple board. that guitar was better in tone and vibe than the PRS next to it. really, amazing guitar. too bad the luthier was a douche.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom Uber-Dangerous said:
You guys going to start sending Cites documents with orders?

Is non-Brazilian Rosewood effected?  If one orders plain Rosewood, that isn't Brazilian is it?

To my knowledge, "plain Rosewood" means East Indian Rosewood. Am I right?
First alcohol, then cannabis, now Brazilian Rosewood :icon_jokercolor:
I wish Warmoth would source some Madagascar Rosewood.  I think that's about as close to the good old growth Brazilian as we're gonna get these days.  Pretty soon it will be heavily controlled too.  For that matter, so will the East Indian Rosewood, now that demand for that has increased in the absence of Brazilian.  Pecan, anyone?

EDIT:  FYI, this article Wyliee posted is awesome.
I'm partly glad I got my Brazilian rosewood fretboard neck when I did... And also partly worried about whether or not I'd be able to ever travel with the thing.
Orpheo said:
if parkers weren't so darned ugly (the shape), I would have bought one.

Have you seen the Maxxfly? The DF824 model has all the usual Parker stuff with all the usual boring stylings that guitarists tend to love ;).
Anyone remembers which woods are priced similar to Br. RW? I'm trying to find out how much my neck with Br. RW fretboard would cost today if I could order another one through the neck builder. I can't remember if it was priced same as Ziricote or figured Ziricote.