
Show us your pics!

ivar said:
Twelve hours in E-major,120 bpm, will fully charge it.

What do you think about my new "numberplates"

If you detune to D, and play heavy metal riffs, I think it will charge in 3hrs.. :party07:
DangerousR6 said:
ivar said:
Twelve hours in E-major,120 bpm, will fully charge it.

What do you think about my new "numberplates"

If you detune to D, and play heavy metal riffs, I think it will charge in 3hrs.. :party07:

Put a DiMarzio X2N in the bridge and it'll be 1 hour.  :icon_biggrin:
DocNrock said:
DangerousR6 said:
ivar said:
Twelve hours in E-major,120 bpm, will fully charge it.

What do you think about my new "numberplates"

If you detune to D, and play heavy metal riffs, I think it will charge in 3hrs.. :party07:

Put a DiMarzio X2N in the bridge and it'll be 1 hour.  :icon_biggrin:
Or if you had one of these....
Did you ever go to a concert and one of those frickin tall guys stands right in front of you blocking your view?
well that is probably me ;)
no seriously, I usually stand on the side and make sure I'm not in anybody's view.
except for when we went to see Yngwie at last years Guitarshow. mainly because I promised a friend who's a big fan to take lots of good pictures!

now almost a year later we find this clip of yngwie, and guess who's giant head is in the way almost all of the clip? (starting after about 1.10)
I am mainly covering up his crotch (that sounds dirty), so you're not missing that much :)


Marko said:
Did you ever go to a concert and one of those frickin tall guys stands right in front of you blocking your view?
well that is probably me ;)
Punch them in the kidney from behind, it's always devastating...
Lets do the Time Warp Again.

Here's what I look like.  From 2008.

From a gig I played in 1999 with the help of my daughter.

My senior picture in High School, 1988.  Yes, I insisted that I have my guitar.

Don't you guys (and girl) love sitting behind the short kid? That's me. Or, it was one time at a VH concert. I was in the nosebleed section, so it didn't make much of a difference.

And if I start feeling tall, I visit my girl, who's 2 years younger and 4 inches taller...
Then again, I'm 2 inches taller than Angus Young...

My hair changes fairly often, so...





Me & my honey bunny:


This is just funny.  This is me with my tiny drumset I had to build for a scenic model:

Ok ok so I'm down for the count health wise, I have a terrible inner ear infection that has thrown a monkey wrench in the works of everything, I can only sit up for about 20 minutes at a pop without the world spinning like a bad county fair ride.... But I do have some pics of my ugly mug, so  I figure I should share with y'all what the people in my non cyber world have to look at....


Me (in red) my old man and my son just after completely destroying a fried turkey.

This pic always makes me laugh.  My buddies and I throw a huge first day of trout fishing season party with a beer trailer and a pig roast.  We have a beard and mustache growing contest every year for it and I always win cause I don't shave and most of my buddies turned into corporate ass kissers after college that have to shave every day, but we still get together and let our hair down so to speak it's funny to see all these guys with their half assed five o clock shadows, and me with my wooly beard.  This pic is one of me just starting to tie one on...  I couldn't tell you about this evening if you paid me

Here is me with my lovely wife

My son and I (he was my best man)

Hanna is very cute, but you're damn ugly Mr Klanch :laughing7: I'm thinking in let my bear growl, but it's has some defects :tard: not sure, thinking in give it a try... The last times I tryed always had something poping and making me shave when it was still very low...
Nonsense,  Yeah I warned you that I was ugly.......  Never said I was running for miss america or anything............  Grow the beard man no matter how patchy it is. 

Oh I wanted to post pics of my dog too, he is way better looking than I am.  This is Robert J Beagle Bob for short.....

Well, if we're posting pets...

My hound.  He's a Basenji.  He's cute, but he's lazy:




My piggies:


And my dwarf hamsters.  They're so cute.  They look like little Muppets.  The dog hates them:



Hannaugh I think your dog and my dog are kindred spirits,  I have a million pics of Bob all snuggled up with something or other, just like the pics of your dog......Having fun waiting for your guitar from Warmoth?  That is the worst part of the whole warmoth build process.