Show us your pics!

hannaugh said:
I <3 beards.

here is a pic from a Halloween gig I played, I'm the one in the Laa-Laa costume.
I usually let my beard go and run wild around this time of year, and I had a fullblown ZZ/Osama working coming into Christmas - a solid 16-monther if I recall correctly, but the Amazing Psychic Power of Teeth (APPOTE) kicked in, a little chunk fell out of the back of an old dead tooth I've been keeping around (we've grown close together over the years), and the resultant nerve channel is a straight route for infections to the bone, the brain - OR EVEN WORSE... :eek: So I have to get a root canal done on Tuesday, and having been through a few before including the resultant spwspweewing* of blood and body parts, I clipped the beard back to a weaselly sort of "polite" length.

The Amazing Psychic Power of Teeth (APPOTE) kicks in whenever you looka-at your bank accounts and think "Whoa! I can order the neck and body at the same time and save on shipping!"

Goddamn teeth.... I was this close.... don't even ask me about the Amazing Psychic Power of Cats (APPOCA), the Amazing Psychic Power of Computers (APPOCO), the Amazing Psychic Power of Automobiles (APPOAU), it's been one of those years where every little fudger's gotten their hit in. If I legally change my name, can I hide my money from my existence more easily? :icon_scratch:

*(I kept trying to type spewing, but on consideration I like that one too. Yay! Go, Root canal!) :headbang1:
StubHead said:
Goddamn teeth.... I was this close.... don't even ask me about the Amazing Psychic Power of Cats (APPOCA), the Amazing Psychic Power of Computers (APPOCO), the Amazing Psychic Power of Automobiles (APPOAU), it's been one of those years where every little fricker's gotten their hit in. If I legally change my name, can I hide my money from my existence more easily? :icon_scratch:

I sympathize. I need some serious dental work done soon as well, and dread financing the dentist's next yacht or McMansion. But, you sorta need teeth to eat, so whaddaya gonna do? I mean, I'm not looking for a Hollywood smile, but I do need to be able to chew.
Cagey said:
But, you sorta need teeth to eat, so whaddaya gonna do? I mean, I'm not looking for a Hollywood smile, but I do need to be able to chew.

You'd think so, but my granddad was completely toothless, and he ate like a normal person--steak, potato chips, even apples. None of us knew how he did it
That's why I said "sorta". I've heard of such situations before, and properly prepared there are a wide variety of foods you can eat without chewing to keep you alive. Plus, your tongue does a lot more work than most people realize. Hell, the last time I was in the hospital, they just punched a tube into my gut and pumped nutritious slop into it, so I didn't need to eat at all, at least not in the traditional sense. But, it sorta cuts into the "variety is the spice of life" thing that's so much fun. It's tough to enjoy pizza or a grilled pastrami sandwich without a functional mouth.
He used to say that his gums "just got tough." That sounds unpleasant.

Also, going to the dentist really does suck. It costs an arm and a leg, and the dentists I've seen all do their damndest to drive the price up (something about McMansions, no doubt). Last time I was there, the guy offered to remove all four of my wisdom teeth "just in case" -- by his own admission, a completely unnecessary procedure.

Get out the Visa card, boy, and pony up. Sure thing doc.  :icon_scratch:
I've lived in the same small town (11,000ish) for 17 years now, and the dentist, the vet, the car mechanic will all take time payments, no interest, within reason. I'd venture to say the ones in a small town who do so have more business than the city slickers who set up expecting to be all worshiped and stuff - there is/has always been a strong sentiment of irreverence, disobedience, even illegality on the Eastern Shore, yay. But I just hate being in debt, I know it's a normal state of mind for a huge proportion of people, but I dug out a decade or so ago and I don't even like to buy food till I'm paid up - it just bothers me (which is actually a healthy thing, all youse 22%ers). Like, I need another guitar, I'm a-gonna die without it wah. fudging teeth.

It's actually been dead since I was 10 or 11 years old, I broke the tip off trying to climb/chew my way out of a swimming pool. I had a SS cap on it for a while, then about thirty years ago I had a "temporary" white porcelain cap put on. And every time I saw a dentist (ONLY as necessary, no I DON'T wanna sign up for the six-month cleaning plan sir) he'd say "you're gonna have to do something about that... 33 years is a pretty good record for a cheap quickie, so I have gotten my money's worth out of it so far.

<- that was kinda cruel, huh
Time for a wig? I wish I had good things to say, Diezel. I really, really do. Flex your shoulders more and maybe you can get away with it.
that is a shame.. when I saw your picture, I just read his tweet about signing in a music store somewhere in Norway. :)
Here's a caricature of us playing a show a few weeks ago.  The guy that made it was just doodling.  He wouldn't take any payment and was going to throw it away because he didn't think it was good.  We bought him a beer and he gave it to us.

That's an original piece of artwork with a connection to real life with real memories and you got it for a beer? Stunning.

Y'know, sometimes artists just piss me off.

Good for you, though.