
Show us your pics!

That's a really neat drawing - would a CD cover cost a six-pack, then? :party07:

I especially like the semi-biological, clawed feet on the drums. It's the kind of drawing that makes idiopeeps say "A child could draw that! Everything's crooked!"

So, pick up your pencil....
StubHead said:
So, pick up your pencil....



That's a really cool drawing, Gary.
I wish I could draw a straight line across a piece of paper, let alone sketch out something like that while I'm casually sitting in a bar, and write it off as trash. Now that's talent! People pay good money for art, too. Definitely worth the beer it cost you.
"Sorry for the tune up between time, but what the hell, cowboys are the only ones who stay in tune, anyway... " - Jimi Hendrix
You can sorta forgive Jimi - he was forced to play vintage Strats before there was such a thing. Crummy tuners, string trees, crummy nut, tiny frets, noisy pickups, crummy bridge - poor guy never had a chance. On the flip side, look what he could do with one. It just goes to show that the player is the thing, not the instrument.
I didn't know he had a book out. Lotta good reviews on Amazon. I may have to pick that up. Sounds entertaining.

Are you involved with BLS?
OK, I'll bite...heh, heh...this is me indulging in my other passion/obsession; Fly fishing in salt water. Cape Cod 1st...Islamorada, Florida Keys 2nd.
Great Ape said:
OK, I'll bite...heh, heh...this is me indulging in my other passion/obsession; Fly fishing in salt water. Cape Cod 1st...Islamorada, Florida Keys 2nd.

How in the hell did that striper not snap that fly rod in half??? You catch that in the Merrimac river?