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random, but the guitar hero controller made me think of this... and it would have been nice if this kid knew how to play guitar. or at least tried to  :-\  i'd love to see how this thing really kept up with maybe chords or some quick picking. but what can you do?

Sorry for the Size

Glasses  :glasses9:

That would be, from left to right. Sheet Music, you can't quite see it, but it's just a simple Jet song I did for Music class. then there is my chord diagram chart, then a very small thing to help me read standard notation, then another chord diagram list
You need to set your guitar lower Connor... The spring box is supposed to have a 'tight fit" in a kind of "low region" :laughing7:
This was taken just after I had gotten delivery of my Mesa Boogie Roadking set.


Here's one for ya, this is me (R) with a very very young Carmen Electra. She was about 16 here. We grew up together. I'm guessing this photo was around 1989 or so. Don't really remember, just looking at my hair.....

GoDrex said:
that's not Carmen Electra, that's Tara Leigh Patrick.

You are correct. Technically she wasn't Carmen at that point in her life.
wish I could brag that I hit it, but I didn't. Not even close.