Seriously - how does ANYONE ever keep a band together

Superlizard said:
clearerphish said:
Someone's political leanings are just that, not personality traits...

That's not correct.

One's political leanings are a direct extension of their personal values, among other things.

People also tend to vote for the candidate who best espouses their own morals/lack thereof

If politics was just politics, you yourself wouldn't have commented.

If politics was just politics, we wouldn't have sites like the DU (democratic underground) with all the arguing and ranting.

And like I said, not a blueprint.  Sure there's some lefties out there who actually take what they're doing seriously.  Myself, I have yet to actually know one, as my own experiences tell me otherwise.  And even if I did finally know one, we'd have to borg them to our side anyways.   :toothy10:

You're forgetting that most people aren't obsessed with politics.  There are a large number of people who don't really care that much about it, but when it comes time to vote they say "Well, I guess I'll vote for McCain/Obama... I guess that makes me a conservative/liberal."  So technically they are one of the two (or moderate), but it isn't really a big enough factor in their life to really reflect their personality.  I mean, you gotta pick a candidate, right?  Hell, I know people who are conservative but think that they are liberal because they really have no idea what the difference is and they tell people they are liberal because that is the cool hipster thing to be. 

I've known both conservative flakes and liberal flakes.  I've known conservative jerks and liberal jerks.  Unless politics is their obsession and way of life, I don't think it really makes that much of a difference. 

I personally don't understand why anyone would be obsessed with it cause it is such a boring topic, and because it's really all just perception and how you were raised, like religion.  No one can really ever prove that they are right, so it's a waste of time to be that into it in my opinion.  And even if you could prove it, the other side will just say you are lying. 
Man Coulter has a bug up his ass about liberals and let's us know about it often. That's the reason we get started talking about this stuff, 90% of the time. He admits to trolling for it.
Superlizard said:
Perhaps not surprisingly, I've found it very difficult to work with druggies, alkys and lazy-asses (don't want to practice; don't want to show up on time) in my experiences.  Also not surprisingly (and to continue my point), these kind were always liberal-minded.

While not a blueprint nor guarantee, you're more often than not going to find that those who are conservative-minded will be the responsible and punctual ones in a band as opposed to the liberal-minded.  Yes, it (the mindset) truly does have that much of an effect.

Nowadays, I'm either doing it all myself (with my DAW), or I'm being a guest player for some random gig, or my good buddy & I collaborate and pick and choose other people for projects.  So yeah, homie don't play with libbies anymore due my experiences with them.

Wow.  That was uncalled for.

My experiences are exactly opposite yours.  My band are a Unitarian/Univeralist church band.  We're lefties.   

Our Keyboardist/Vocalist is not lazy, she has a PH.D. in Law.  She runs three businesses, sits on the board at church and has two kids.  And she's never even smoked weed. 
Her husband, our soundman,  a lawyer and has a degree in physics, and he's also a Democrat Polotician, he is neither lazy or drug addled. 
Our rhythm guitarist is an ex-race car driver, and liberal, and doesnt do drugs. 
My wife, our vocalist, has a college degree, works 60 hours a week, and does not do drugs, she pleads the "Clinton" defense (honestly, I was there she had no idea how to toke a J). 
Our bassist, also hard working, devoted to his wife and kids, a liberal who does not do drugs, but had a few puffs in his youth and decided it wasnt for him. 
Our Lead Guitarist, Me, I'm a liberal, I've worked for the same company for 13 years, I've done loads of drugs in my day.  Currently I'm clean and dry, and funny thing, I am on probation, but it has nothing to do with drugs or alcohol, or polotics.  And I show up to work on time, take care of my family, volunteer at the food pantry (no, its not court ordered community service, but it started that way, now I do it to be helpful).  I work hard in our band, I'm commited to it, I show up to practice on time (in part because practice is in my home studio), I learn my material, and I don't waste time.  And I'm Liberal.  A total scumbag, but not lazy.   

All our former bandmates were liberal, even the ones we fired.  And all of them were hard working, good people, who are not drug abusers.  Heck one of our former guitarists (who might have neem conservative, we never had that conversation, because IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was an assitant district attourney who worked for the notorious Phil Kline (conservative DA who got in hot water over his warrantless assaullt on planned parenthood)!

I will extend this to a former band.  The Enablers.  Yup.  Drug addled, mentally unstable, borderline psychotic, but those bandmates were on time to practice and we practiced a lot, three times a week.  The other guitarist and the vocalist worked on material together seprately almost every day while I was in the band.  They busted their tails to make that band work.  They still do, now as The Hopeless Destroyers.   Liberals.  Even though I left the band due to the vocalists health and family situation, he still busted his ass to practice and write.  He's healthy now, and if you like really really good music that just happens to be Punk Rock, look up The Hopeless Destroyers.  Absolutely amazing, and liberal.   And very hard working.  And yes, mentally unstable, but thats a sign of real talent.

Superlizard said:
  And even if I did finally know one, we'd have to borg them to our side anyways.   :toothy10:

I really don't like it when someone can't let people be who they are.  Its just rude.  Whether polotics, religion, music, work, hair, ford vs. chevy, or whatever.  Just let people be who they are mind your own business.  I'm reminded of a scene in Evil Dead 2 when the dead chick says in a little girl's voice "join us, join us, join us, join us"....  Creepy.  Whenever somebody tries to convert me to their religion, political affiliation, or whatever, I think of that movie. 

Hyjacking a thread to serve your own selfish needs is unbecoming of a gentleman.  Our friend, Clearerphish, started this thread about his troubles with a band issue that we've all been through.  Let's rally around our brother and show him our support, not take advantage of the situation to hand him a "Vote Republican" flyer.

Now, finish this Eddie Murphy joke:  "Have a coke and a smile and shut the......."
What a fun thread. I'm related to Ralph Nader (I'm Luke Nader).. have fun with that haha  :laughing7:
Vol. Knob said:
Hyjacking a thread to serve your own selfish needs is unbecoming of a gentleman.  Our friend, Clearerphish, started this thread about his troubles with a band issue that we've all been through.  Let's rally around our brother and show him our support, not take advantage of the situation to hand him a "Vote Republican" flyer.

There's no hijacking going on here, because my opinion involves the subject matter.

There's just a few whiners who don't like my opinion about lazy-asses in a band... nuffin' new.  The claims of  "hijacking" are just
a poor attempt to paint me as the bad-guy in the discussion. 

Seriously - some of y'all should take a look at yourselves... gettin' your panties all in a bunch over my opinions... grow a pair already.

Vol. Knob said:
Now, finish this: "Have a coke and a smile and shut the......."

Go ahead there, hoss - step up to the "mic".
Whoa folks!!!  What's with the testosterone and feces flinging this week?  This is atypical of the membership here.  Chill pill.  Take two if ya' gotta.  :glasses9: :glasses9:
And now name calling.  Fascinating.  It is the anti-liberal person who drags the conversation down into talk of undergarments and genetal growth.  Such a lack of creativity and self control.  I was hoping for more.  

Have a coke and a smile and shut the front door.  I'd complete the joke correctly, but I do beleive this is supposed to be family friendly here.  I assume everyone is aware of the rules.

Lets all just accept that Mr. Lizard's intolerance stems from chidhood issues involving a donkey (the democrat symbol) and ignore him.  His rage can't possibly come from a rational place.  Its clear that he's aggitatd at those who don't agree with his assesment that liberals are responsable for all the ills in the world.  Lets all include him in our prayers, aums, chants, and/or sacrifice of a goat to the God/Gods/Goddesses of your chosing.  May he find comfort in knowing that we care for him and hope that he finds peace, happines and fullfillment in all his endeavors.  

I, for one, accept Mr. Lizard for who he his, whether or not he likes me.  

Hugs Eternal
Yes.  According to the Gospel of St. Lizard, don't let a liberal join your band.  They'll smoke all your weed and take up all the prime real estate on the couch.
kboman said:
Wow, this argument is like a car crash. Really stupid, pointless, and no one wins.

Unless you have good insurance. 

I'd say its more like a trainwreck, and I don't mean a Ken Fischer amp.  Sorry, Clearerphish.  I'm not helping, am I?

I was hoping that examples of hard working liberals who didnt use drugs would derail things a bit.  But no.  Apparently I have a weggie and no testicles.
You know it's funny...  Although this thread completely devolved, at the same it's a perfect example of why bands break up.

Despite the fact music should bring us together, it's the non musical things that tear us apart.

taez555 said:
You know it's funny...  Although this thread completely devolved, at the same it's a perfect example of why bands break up.

Despite the fact music should bring us together, it's the non musical things that tear us apart.

taez555 said:
You know it's funny...  Although this thread completely devolved, at the same it's a perfect example of why bands break up.

Despite the fact music should bring us together, it's the non musical things that tear us apart.

I agree.  Its all the Democrat's fault.
See now I was going to blame the communists, but thats the beauty of america with our wonderful freedom to have opinions, and to be jerks about it.