
Red Rat..the directors cut

GoDrex said:
wow that headstock works great with that body - - learn something new every day!  :icon_thumright:

It really does!  That looks great.  Smashing finish.
Wow that's really cool! I like it a lot!

The pick guard is just right, in my opinion.

What's the wiring with those two extra switches?
Justinginn said:
Wow that's really cool! I like it a lot!

The pick guard is just right, in my opinion.

What's the wiring with those two extra switches?

They're 2 position, coil split for each pickup.
Smashing? hehe, are you from walice and grommit?

Ummm... Wallace and Gromit are actually from a country called "England". Or they would be, if they actually existed. It's people from England who say stuff like "smashing" and drink tea and eat crumpets all the time - they sponsor Wimbledon tennis too but they can't play themselves. People like Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Boy George are from England.

Are you, by any chance, from "Beavis & Butthead?"  :icon_scratch:

I believe I've not eat it, yeat.... Or if I had was one of those sold in bunches on supermarket (not the nice ones, I suppose)
Oh, stubhead. Too perfect. Your message board sarcasm is matchless. I had a good chuckle at that one.
Remember though that a lot of people on here are pretty young, I think you're supposed to be 13 to visit the site or something. Just a general thought.
stubhead said:
Smashing? hehe, are you from walice and grommit?

Ummm... Wallace and Gromit are actually from a country called "England". Or they would be, if they actually existed. It's people from England who say stuff like "smashing" and drink tea and eat crumpets all the time - they sponsor Wimbledon tennis too but they can't play themselves. People like Keith Richards, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Boy George are from England.

Are you, by any chance, from "Beavis & Butthead?"  :icon_scratch:

yes, by walice and grommit i mean that, and no, i've never seen Beavis And Butthead.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I'm late to this one as usual.  Another fine build Stubhead.  The pickguard turned out nicer than expected.  What does the customer think?

The customer thought it was me that built it.  :laughing7:
willyk said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
I'm late to this one as usual.  Another fine build Stubhead.  The pickguard turned out nicer than expected.  What does the customer think?

The customer thought it was me that built it.  :laughing7:

Foot in mouth moment.  My apoplogies.  I can't be the only one that gets some of you guys confused.
excellent look, it's got a completeness to it that I enjoy looking at.

did you cut that headstock yourself? If someone has info on designing headstocks or cutting them yourself, I would appreciate a PM (so as to avoid hijacking the thread)

amazing job "chap" :)
The headstock is a standard Warmoth produced V. We picked it because it suited the concept and the overall lines of the guitar. The Variax and Warmoth shapes were too irregular and pointy for the rounded, almost symmetrical body shape and the LP headstock was too "normal" for the owners taste.