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Senn the Beijing Guitar Duo? This piece has a nice intro, then they pick it up around the 2:20 mark...

ThePhilosopher said:
Calculus 3 recitation.

Hehe! Yeah.  I'm sure they worked very hard on that, but it's about as entertaining/interesting as watching paint dry without the exciting parts. Although I have to say they have impeccable timing.
Yeah, that's incredibly tight. All their stuff is. 2112 is second only to Hendrix's "Machine Gun" for epic pieces in my mind, and it's a very close race. In one of the bands I used to play in about 100 years ago we used to do that opus. Pretty damn good at it, too, if I must say, although I never could pull off the screaming lead toward the end of it.
Cagey said:
Yeah, that's incredibly tight. All their stuff is. 2112 is second only to Hendrix's "Machine Gun" for epic pieces in my mind, and it's a very close race. In one of the bands I used to play in about 100 years ago we used to do that opus. Pretty damn good at it, too, if I must say, although I never could pull off the screaming lead toward the end of it.

There are some bands where the sound is just so incredibly hard to match....

Silversun pickups, Brian always has that thick delay/compression/fuzz tone going on, and I can never get it right.

I blame it on gear, but you know how that is. :laughing7:
I liked Silversun Pickups more when they were called Smashing Pumpkins...  Seriously, listen to "1979" and then "Lazy Eye."
If you're talking about Brian May, I'm pretty sure his pickups are custom wound one-offs, plus he uses analog delays (old Maestro Echoplexes) and Vox amps. Not sure what's in the effects chain, but it all adds up to a pretty unique sound. Favorites where he really shines are Brighton Rock and Death on Two Legs. In Brighton Rock I think he actually uses two echoplexes, but I'm just going by reports. I can't hear a second unit.

Silversun pickups, Brian Aubert. I assume you've heard them at some point.

BTW, listening to Everlast. Very unlike me, but I find it listenable.
I usually listen to my iPod on shuffle, but the reference to 2112 made me put on the Hemispheres album  while working on my daughter's brakes on her car. Good memories of old times. Thanks for that. Then I went straight to Yes's "Fragile". Steve Howe is a master...
Been getting into Styx lately. I stayed away from them for awhile cuz of their not so great reputation, but they have some really amazing and heavy stuff. Tons of talent in that band. I can't imagine anyone not liking Blue Collar Man or Borrowed Time  :icon_thumright:

Altar said:
Got into learning some rush tonight... The 2112 solo still stumps me...

Good for you for gettin' ya learn on.  Get used to being stumped by Lifeson's solos.  His timing and note choice are decidedly non-standard and counterintuitive.    Great ways to learn what the opposite of a cliche sounds like.

Although the early stuff does lean a little more heavily on blooz-metal tropes popularized by Zeppelin and Sabbath.  Don't say I didn't warn you.
Lol what do ya know i come to this thread to talk some Rush and thats what the last few posts were about! They must be onto something :dontknow: :party07:
Bagman67 said:
Although the early stuff does lean a little more heavily on blooz-metal tropes popularized by Zeppelin and Sabbath.  Don't say I didn't warn you.


I never could get into "fly by night", the album just doesn't cut it for me...

But I did get into the bass solo on "leave that thing alone" today... Damn! It does not come easy.