
Post what you're listening to!

As long as they've been stored upright in a dark place that doesn't get too hot or too cold, they shouldn't be warped. 
Red Fang
and I have to agree sound gardens king animal is awesome for sure
While on the vinyl thing, I think the main thing that's boosted it all is Jack White's entire enterprise, he really is milking vinyl for all it's worth, and I've been hopelessly following that trend. I, for one, got my first vinyl record + record player Christmas 2011, I now own over 70 records all of which I've bought. I still buy CD's, but it just isn't the same to me, there's something special with vinyl to me, but at the same time, I download or record all the records I have to mp3's for when I walk to school, so I utilize them in every way.
Speaking about how expensive vinyl gets on ebay, JW's stuff clearly does very well considering I remember that record store day about a year ago, he released his special liquid filled vinyl and immediately it popped up on ebay and was sold for a few thousand. I love vinyl, but would never go over $100 unless I was getting several, no matter how rare or special it was.
It's definitely a collector thing, and I think it's the whole idea of listening to music being an activity rather than something that just happens in the background while you jog or drive to work.   
Been listening to Springsteen's "Born in the USA" a lot lately. Killer album. A lot of Blue Rodeo too, but I don't know if anyone here (other than maybe Trevor) is terribly familiar with them.

Springsteen generally did a good job, but like Bob Seeger, the radio stations played him to death. Any more, most people risk pulling a muscle in their mad dash to change the station when one of his songs comes on. I know I'd rather let NPR torture me with bizarre segments on how domestic cats are decimating the wildlife population or how wind power really is a Good Thing or how Republicans are death on two legs than listen to Springsteen or Seeger grind through one their cookie cutter tunes for the 56,293,541st time.
This is why one should not listen to the radio. :icon_biggrin:

My dad used to play the "BINTUSA" LP a lot at home when I was a kid, but I hadn't listened to it for years until this past Christmas. My parents were visitng, and dear old put the CD version on in the living room. I was struck not only by how much I enjoyed the tunes on the album, but also by the fact that my father is now getting around to buying his record collection again for the fourth time: on LP, then on 8-track, then on cassette, and now on CD. But he won't go digital: he doesn't even touch the computer. :laughing7:

As often as we listened to that album, howver, we never heard the title track; Dad thought it was "too patriotic" (as Canadians, American jingoism is lost on us). Like Reagan, he never really listened to the lyrics.
Cagey said:
Springsteen generally did a good job, but like Bob Seeger, the radio stations played him to death. Any more, most people risk pulling a muscle in their mad dash to change the station when one of his songs comes on. I know I'd rather let NPR torture me with bizarre segments on how domestic cats are decimating the wildlife population or how wind power really is a Good Thing or how Republicans are death on two legs than listen to Springsteen or Seeger grind through one their cookie cutter tunes for the 56,293,541st time.

Or you could work where I used to work.  My manager ONLY listened to Tom Petty and Bruce Springsteen.  Now when I hear Free Falling, I want to punch someone in the face.  It sucks cause I used to like Tom Petty. 
swarfrat said:
Screaming baby and sobbing wife. Wish it were the name of a band.

It could be, if you put your mind to it. :icon_biggrin:

Hannaugh: No one should ruin Mr. Petty for anyone. That's just not allowed.
Back in Black. If you can't hear the "four" bleed through on the count in, you're not doing it right.
Currently listening to:

The NEW Killswitch Engage


and that makes me listen to older KSE


I'll be the first to say I don't care for screaming or groidal vocals, but if you like guitar driven riffage, they are hard to beat these days. Both Howard and Jeese have great voices when they sing.

And a little Prog Metal at times:

I haven't exactly been "listening" to it, but for some reason ELP's Karn Evil no. 9 has been in my head all day.
