
Post what you're listening to!


He's got a weekly Friday night gig at an Ethiopian restaurant in Berkeley - hoping to catch him tomorrow.  Any Bay Area folks on this board?
Jon and Roy for the Nintendo Fans ... It's gonna be fine!
Richard Thompson in an electric four-man trio format.  At nearly 70 years old, his voice and guitar playing are as fine as they've ever been, and are arguably better.  Apart from Jeff Beck, whose playing continues to be vital and original, I can think of no other guitarist with such consistently high quality output for over 50 years, and even including Beck, there is none so prolific.  Listen to the whole show.  I defy you to spot a single cliche lick.  The dude plays original music every time he solos.


These guys shine a new light on some old Sabbath standards.

Sorry, no video, you gotta click through.

This solo session by William Tyler on acoustic is just beautiful.  He covers Fleetwood Mac ("Go Your Own Way" arranged for solo guitar, no volcals), Antonin Dvorak, Handel, and Yo La Tengo!

Check it, y'all.


@Ghotiphry:A little new jazz? Or maybe it's soul?  Nice, sounds like Amy Winehouse.

Here's some River Runs North ...
Fight to Keep like the build dynamics to the end
Run River Run tasteful tamborine
When they were in Brooklyn  I like the break just after the middle of the song
S       T                 E                             C                             H



And be nice to each other...
There is something inexplicably hypnotic about this, however inept the musicianship is.  I can't stop listening.

Morbid fascination, possibly.  But at the same time there's something charming about how naively incompetent these women are.  They are truly trying to make joyous pop music art, and at times the thing they're going for shines through the non-sequitur drumming and catch-me-if-you-can timing on the guitars and vocals.  Haunting.  It's not "so bad it's hilarious" or "deliberately offputting in its disdain for convention."  It's just sort of sweet, albeit completely effed up.
Who doesn't appreciate a good bit of the Shaggs now and then?

That said I grew up* listening to the Yummy Fur, Lung Leg and other assorted John Peel scratchy type bands,


That stuff sounds like the Stooges to the average late 70s punk rocker  :turtle:

* Well, spent my early middle age listing too
Or something. Best not to over analyse that sort of thing.  :toothy11:
amigarobbo said:
Who doesn't appreciate a good bit of the Shaggs now and then?

Not that I want to be controversial but it didn't hit the spot with me. But that's cool because variety is of the essence and it would be a dull world if we all liked the same things.
To be honest, it was more a cheap joke on the meaning of the word 'Shag' being a euphemism for  s*xual intercourse.

Well, it does around here anyway.