
Post what you're listening to!


I like Rory Gallagher, I think he's the best of the, err, white blues rock guys of his generation, but I wish he'd tried more of the more experimental stuff he did than the straight ahead blues/rock that he's rightly famed for.

That's a great Gallagher clip.

Here's another, much later, with Jack Bruce (RIP) covering the Cream chestnut, "Politician":

Emma Ruth Rundle

I can't wait to see her live at Hellfest next june (I was quite surprised to see her in the line up TBh)

That was really great.  I was having a hard time with the lyrics at times though.  Where's she from?
From LA

what I love the most is that it's a live performance and you can see that she is incarnating her music .

I can't really comment on the lyrics as I'm not english-native speaking but I'm feeling the emotions nonetheless  :)
America?  It's a style (which I like) drenched in reverb coming out of shoegazer (I think).  (Though admittedly Rundle's hard to understand) This drenched vocal reverb is a trend.  First time I noticed this was Zooey Deschannel, whose a little peppier and not shoegaze.
If you like female musicians, Mayfly, here's Jeff Beck's 2017 band, which includes the ferociously funky Rhonda Smith on bass, Carmen Vandenberg on guitar, and Rosie Oddie on vocals.  As usual, top-shelf help for arguably the most top-shelf guitarist playing today.

For fans of black\m/etal, death metal, fast riffs, and a dark atmosphere:

This is one that's always circulating in my playlist. I'm a huge fan of Japanese Rock and Metal, among other things that are likely weird for this forum, and Luna Sea is one that's had a huge influence on how I approach guitar playing.

One of my favorites:

Causa Sui - Tropic of Capricorn

.......with a cool video to boot

Genius.  "The sweet essence of giraffe."

The guitar solo changed my life.

The Swedes will save us from corporate country music.  The spirit of Hank Williams lives on.

Jeff Beck proving you don't need a bow tie, shirt and pick...

stratamania said:
Jeff Beck proving you don't need a bow tie, shirt and pick...

:icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: :icon_thumright: