
Post what you're listening to!

I feel like the kid that always listens to something different than everyone else...
JEFF the Brotherhood - Sixpack
The Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock
Kyuss - Gardenia
Dead Kennedys - California Über Alles
Titus Andronicus - 'A More Perfect Union'
Queens Of The Stone Age - In My Head
Lately, for me, Devin Townsend occupies my music players.  Epicloud was pretty awesome.

However, I've also had some stuff in my brain that perhaps wouldn't be widely accepted 'round here.  Such as Korn's newest album (Been a Korn fan since their debut, and still love 'em), Crowbar's latest, Joe Bonamassa, Black Country Communion, and been checking out some stuff I've heard on internet radio stations, like Circus Maximus and Triosphere.

I try to keep my options open and varied  :icon_thumright:
For some reason I've been on an old school kick lately.  Cream and Heart yesterday, Townes Van Zandt over the weekend.  I wish my Dreamboat Annie LP wasn't so scratched up though.  My mom really should have taken better care of her records. 
If I don't listen to, and work on playing, at least some part of Bach's Sonatas & Partitas for solo violin 2 or 3 times a week, my ideas of what music is supposed to do tend to get clotted up and stagnant.


It's really universal music. Bach wrote them as studies foe his violin students, but since them they've become standards on  a bunch of different instruments. They've turned into kind of the textbook on "how to play three things at once." They're not that hard to play - Just take it slow... like this guy.

hannaugh said:
For some reason I've been on an old school kick lately.  Cream and Heart yesterday, Townes Van Zandt over the weekend.  I wish my Dreamboat Annie LP wasn't so scratched up though.  My mom really should have taken better care of her records.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend checking out thw "Songs of Townes Can Zandt" tribute album that two of the guys from Neurosis and Wino did last year.
I'll have to check it out.  I love the original stuff, but there are a lot of great covers of his work floating around.  I guess if you're a fantastic song writer like he was, that's just what happens. 
StubHead said:
...my ideas of what music is supposed to do tend to get clotted up and stagnant.



I'm sure that the classical music aspect of it is a large part of the jolt for getting things unstuck. But something else to consider is tuning. Watch Gilbert's fingers and position changes. Then watch Thile's. Guitars are tuned in fourths. Mandolins (and like virtually all non-guitar related stringed instruments) are tuned in fifths, like a violin.  I would stop way short of saying Bach's sonatas are the fifths equivalent of blues box riffing. After all it's kind of hard to blame the creator of a big rut with the fact that people after him turned it into a rut. He just wrote something so cool that everyone copied him.

But I think a big thing trying to learn fifths based patterns on a fourths based instrument does is forces you to work on handling position changes smoothly, which is something that everyone who hasn't  worked hard to learn (including me) sucks at.
This. She's so creepy. And amazing.

Suddenly, I can't wait for March.  These guys started off much heavier, but have slowly headed in this direction over the last two albums, and I'm really digging it.
Sonny Landreth, Clarence White, Glenn Branca, Daniel Barenboim doing Beethoven sonatas, and more - busy day on the Pandora shuffle.