
Post what you're listening to!

Like many non-females, when I have noticed it at all, I have found John Mayer's popularity as a pop musician to be tedious and perhaps not entirely justified.  I suspect that this has something to do with me being too old to be susceptible to the machinery of pop stardom's trickery.  But I have not been wholly ignorant of his accomplishments as a guitarist.  I haven't paid close attention, but I know the kid can play.  So I was noodling my way through a bunch of youtube clips and this live performance of his hit "Gravity" came along, and I decided to check it out with more than the usual "I'll let it play while I work" level of interest.

Holy crap, this guy's good. The solo he kicks off at 4:45ish demonstrates some serious fluidity and musicality, and the nifty-tricks aficionado in me is awestruck by his facility for bending harp harmonics behind the nut.

A sweet new song from a Progressive Metal band from my hometown of Brisbane, Australia! Going to probably go see these guys later this year for my first concert since I turned 18. I love how talented their singer is. Enjoy!  :headbang:


And here are some isolated vocals from 2 albums ago.

Stumbled into this.  Thought that I'd share:

Mayfly said:
Stumbled into this.  Thought that I'd share:


At 22:55 Joe gets real:

"This is all stuff you don't wanna discuss while on a date with a girl, 'cause that means you're not gonna get a second one."
I was exposed to these guys at work and have been listening to them rather a lot lately. The whole album is solid, I've really been enjoying it. File under "Southern Rock"...
Time for some palate cleansers...



And then something to rinse the Weird Al out of your ears...


Aaaannd... scene.
One of my favorite Queen tunes, and a fine example of one of Brian's best tricks - the ability to wrench gut-level tones that immediate reach for the sky to screech outrage, sprinting octaves to juxtapose expression in a few measures or less. Another tune where he does a lot of that is in "Flick of the Wrist"...


Lotta subtle nattering in the background, then at about the 1:50 mark, off we go!
More Acoustic astonishingment -

Jon Gomm's solo version of Chaka Khan's "Ain't Nobody" :


One day I'll learn how to embed the clip in my message...
That Jon Gomm vid is something.  I run hot and cold on the Michael Hedges acolytes - some just sound kinda all-the-same-as-each-other, but some of them take it someplace new of their very own.  Gomm is one of the latter.
Man attacks 14-year-old second-hand guitar in public with a stick and horse hair...
