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Pat Martino's 2002 trio with Joey DeFrancesco on organ and Byron Landham on drums, with John Scofield guesting on guitar.  For my money Scofield comes in last here.  His behind-the beat funky vibe doesn't suit this tune as well as it does others.  Martino's solo is brilliant, and Joey DeFrancesco's organ skills are so damn sweet - he drives this tune like a Roman charioteer. 

I know, I know..... Been getting into subtle harmonies. Besides, I was at the concert, and it brings back fond memories. Oh God, I'm turning into my father!
Poking around the web came up with this band quite a tour de force.


ThePhilosopher said:
One of my favorite recent discoveries:

That sounds pretty cool. I'll have to check them out on Play Music when I get home...
Things have been hectic at home lately, but I've enjoyed delving back into the series of Frank's instrumental pieces sourced from many live performances : "Shut Up 'N Play Yer Guitar" which came out in multiple volumes.

This is from a similar live instrumental collection just called "Guitar" :


Apparently, this guy dropped his pick and forgot to bring extras. But, he manages to pull off this classic anyway...

While we're on the subject of guys who eschew the plectrum, it seems EVH didn't invent "tapping" after all. This guy was doing it back when the Beatles were still just white punks on dope...

Speaking of white punks on dope...


Always liked these guys. Kind of a hyper-talented parody band, in some ways.
Ah, the Tubes.  Never saw them myself, but I have been regaled on several occasions by folks who had no reason to lie and who did not appear to be in collusion that the Tubes were one of the most obnoxious club bands they ever encountered.  Acted too good for the venue or the crowd, played murderously loud for no reason, that kind of thing.  Apart from their non-corporate-friendly orientation, it may be that their attitude toward their fans and supporting acts was also a career-limiting move.
Stanley Jordan - that's just unreal. Can't just be a question of working with the two brain halves completely independetly. He's probably got four halves!

And the Tubes (extremely obscure in Sweden) video reminded me of Oingo Boingo for some reason


Love Danny Elfman's stuff
Bagman67 said:
Ah, the Tubes.  Never saw them myself, but I have been regaled on several occasions by folks who had no reason to lie and who did not appear to be in collusion that the Tubes were one of the most obnoxious club bands they ever encountered.  Acted too good for the venue or the crowd, played murderously loud for no reason, that kind of thing.  Apart from their non-corporate-friendly orientation, it may be that their attitude toward their fans and supporting acts was also a career-limiting move.

I've heard stories along those same lines.

Is this a candidate for Bruno Ganz "Downfall" -type parodies in subtitles running under the clip :

"I know ! That little prick has taken credit for this, when I was doing it before he was even born !"

And I always loved The Tubes - awful to hear about their possible arrogance, although I'm willing to forgive for some great toons and a great cover of "My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains".

And Prairie Prince !
I need to point out that a moderator (whose initials may or may not be KG) inserted the phrase "cottonheaded ninnymuggins" in place of a rude word in my post, thereby improving it by 1000%
Blackouts said:
I need to point out that a moderator (whose initials may or may not be KG) inserted the phrase "cottonheaded ninnymuggins" in place of a rude word in my post, thereby improving it by 1000%
That's Aaron's truly well done substitution programming. It's fun to put what you can in there then preview it to see what really will show.
Right. Better living through automation. Or, a conveniently inanimate automaton to blame for restricting our behavior  :laughing7:
Very cool. I've listened very little to King Crimson before, but listening to this I realise I need to rectify that.
For my money, Greg Howe was one of the more interesting players to come out of Mike Varney's Shrapnel shred-dojo in the late 1980's.  His later output is extremely competent but not remarkably daring fusion-shred, but when I was a dewy-eyed aspirant in my late teens and early 20's, he was a lightning-strike.  His first solo album, with Billy Sheehan on bass and Atma Anur on drums, was in heavy rotation in my room at the Ft. Huachuca barracks.  Another player who I wish had broken bigger was Michael Lee Firkins, whose shred playing was leavened with a southern-rock/country sensibility and imbued with a sense of playful humor that was usually lacking in the work of the neoclassical wank-meisters of the day.

Here's the playlist link for the entire first GH album, with the lead-off track below:
