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Probably one of the most fun riffs to play... Gojira - L'Enfant Sauvage. Specifically the "chorus" at 2:23

This is not for everyone - recently got back into Curve and loving this song and clip - Offset overload !

Blackouts said:
This is not for everyone - recently got back into Curve and loving this song and clip - Offset overload !


Toni Halliday was definite better in Curve than she was in, eerr.. Bonk.


Never knew she made a solo album





JC-001!  :occasion14:
Julian Lage takes care of some business with Scott Colley (bass) and the irrepressible Kenny Wolleson (drums):

But wait, there's more!  The same trio gets to the heart  of "I'll Be Seeing You."  Holy crap.

Jazz noises emanating from a slightly distorted Tele  - sacrilege! (and if this is wrong, I don't wanna be right).

Bagman67 said:
But wait, there's more!  The same trio gets to the heart  of "I'll Be Seeing You."  Holy crap.

Jazz noises emanating from a slightly distorted Tele  - sacrilege! (and if this is wrong, I don't wanna be right).

I don't think I want to be right, either. Very fine playing.
I'm getting increasing obsessed with the early 80s Alice Cooper,


And yes even, no, especially..


Just look at him go!

4 more days 'till one of my favourite bands releases their new album!

Axkoa, you always come with new fresh unheard of bands here. Excellent!

Although, even though the sound and production is excellent, I think the song loses it's power when they come in with those machine gun double bass drums. For something to be heavy there needs to be something that is not. Something to compare to. Dynamics in another word.

Listen to the classic (and somewhat similar) Black Sabbath song Sign of the Southern Cross. Lots of dynamics. Highs and lows. Soft and hard. Loud and soft. And the beat is extremely slooow but still (or because of it?) manages to be powerful:

Logrinn said:
Axkoa, you always come with new fresh unheard of bands here. Excellent!

Although, even though the sound and production is excellent, I think the song loses it's power when they come in with those machine gun double bass drums. For something to be heavy there needs to be something that is not. Something to compare to. Dynamics in another word.

Listen to the classic (and somewhat similar) Black Sabbath song Sign of the Southern Cross. Lots of dynamics. Highs and lows. Soft and hard. Loud and soft. And the beat is extremely slooow but still (or because of it?) manages to be powerful:


I definitely agree with you about that bass drum Logrinn. A lot of their later music has that same drumming. This song is one of their older ones.

amigarobbo said:
I'm getting increasing obsessed with the early 80s Alice Cooper,


And yes even, no, especially..


Thanks i dug that. Clones could have easily been slipped into the DEVO catalog at the time and fit right in.

Just look at him go!

Nick Johnston - Atomic Mind

Such tone, such technique, such composition ...

Take me for a little while,
Sing me songs you know will make me smile...


This is an all-star lineup playing one of Herbie's greatest  hits, Canteloupe Island:  Herbie Hancock (piano), Joe Henderson (tenor sax), Ron Carter (bass), Tony Williams (drums), and the face-melting Freddie Hubbard (trumpet):
