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So there's a rock band I just found called The Nightflight Orchestra, and I listen to the singer and guitarists main band, Soilwork. I'm absolutely gobsmacked at how good this music sounds...It really shows how versatile current musicians are.



The Nightflight Orchestra



Anyone know any other bands similar to The Nightflight Orchestra?
Presently churning through as many versions of the Willie Dixon song "I can't quit you babe" as I can find on the internet. Interesting collection. Otis Rush to Zep to Gary Moore.
I think I may be addicted to this band...Easily my favourite Rock album I've listened to.

For those (probably few) that have access to UK Sky Arts, they have Frank Zappa & The Mothers: Roxy The Movie. There are worse ways to spend a couple of hours.
Axkoa said:
I think I may be addicted to this band...Easily my favourite Rock album I've listened to.


A Swedish band? Who knew?
Well, I guess that I should have ... but I didn't ...

But they do sound really good :icon_thumright:
Thanks for the tips

Love this song. One of the first metal songs I learned how to (poorly) play on an old Jackson RR3 (the white and gold string-through one) I used to own. I still regret selling that guitar.

:headbang1: Love this band. Love this album.


Named after the guitarist, an instrumental/progressive metal band from Sydney. Probably one of the coolest sounding young guitarists of current. Have a listen!
Axkoa said:


Named after the guitarist, an instrumental/progressive metal band from Sydney. Probably one of the coolest sounding young guitarists of current. Have a listen!

That was awesome. Great playing, great composition and great sound. A new favourite. Got to get me his record.
Thanks for sharing Axkoa.
Logrinn said:
Axkoa said:


Named after the guitarist, an instrumental/progressive metal band from Sydney. Probably one of the coolest sounding young guitarists of current. Have a listen!

That was awesome. Great playing, great composition and great sound. A new favourite. Got to get me his record.
Thanks for sharing Axkoa.

Guess what as well Logrinn, that bass is a Warmoth bass!!!
stratamania said:
Steamroller Blues...


Hey - was that concert done after Elvis died?  With the original band?  With Elvis footage / vocal from a 60's concert?

If so - cool!!
Mayfly said:
Hey - was that concert done after Elvis died?  With the original band?  With Elvis footage / vocal from a 60's concert?

If so - cool!!
Hi, Mayfly, I wasn't sure but was curious about it so I did some further digging.

It's from 'Elvis Presley The 25 Anniversary Concert Live From Memphis"

Filmed on August 16, 2002 in front of a sell-out crowd in Memphis in the 25th anniversary of death of Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley is the singer on the film and in the concert, via video.


I was wondering myself why I was seeing James Burton, double with two different guitars, younger and older split screen.

I think it sounds huge even through the internet.


Been getting into these guys. I8 was curious about them for a while and finally listened to some of their stuff it is quite good to me more of a jazz fusion vibe then prog metal which everyone tried to get me to believe. There are a few bits that remind me of Return to forever.