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Here is a very talented musician I have listened to lately: Chris Mike

Here's a nice cover of Leonard Cohen's way-too-often-covered "Hallelujah", handled very tastefully by Widespread Panic with Jimmy Herring turning in a master-class in understatement on his solo:

Bagman67 said:
Here's a nice cover of Leonard Cohen's way-too-often-covered "Hallelujah", handled very tastefully by Widespread Panic with Jimmy Herring turning in a master-class in understatement on his solo:


Thank you for this, it just made my day!
Really diggin' the new SevenDust

And Avenge Sevenfold...

wow, something about Seven going on here...
Thanks for these cool songs DangerousR6.

I like the melodic vocals in the SevenDust song, but am not a big fan of the counterpoint growl thing.

But the Avenged Sevenfold song was really up my alley. Much more hardrock than metal in my opinion and reminded me of Rainbow for some reason. Could be the king thing. 

Yes, definitely something about seven going on here. I guess if some kid gets an 8-string guitar I bet the first thing he'll want to do is form a band and call it H8teful 8 or Eight pepperKorns or some such.  :icon_biggrin:

DangerousR6 said:
Really diggin' the new SevenDust

And Avenge Sevenfold...

wow, something about Seven going on here...

Doug--Are you getting tired of the number 6?!? I believe I detect a subconscious desire to leave the  old behind (come to think of it, I wouldn't mind leaving MY old behind!) and move on to the next higher number...what does your therapist say about that?
Great Ape said:
DangerousR6 said:
wow, something about Seven going on here...

Doug--Are you getting tired of the number 6?!? I believe I detect a subconscious desire to leave the  old behind (come to think of it, I wouldn't mind leaving MY old behind!) and move on to the next higher number...what does your therapist say about that?

:laughing3: :laughing3:

Classic. Well played sirs!
Great Ape said:
DangerousR6 said:
Really diggin' the new SevenDust

And Avenge Sevenfold...

wow, something about Seven going on here...

Doug--Are you getting tired of the number 6?!? I believe I detect a subconscious desire to leave the  old behind (come to think of it, I wouldn't mind leaving MY old behind!) and move on to the next higher number...what does your therapist say about that?
Well I'm the 7th son of the 7th son from the 7th generation....So I got that going for me... :icon_biggrin:
Logrinn said:
Thanks for these cool songs DangerousR6.

I like the melodic vocals in the SevenDust song, but am not a big fan of the counterpoint growl thing.

But the Avenged Sevenfold song was really up my alley. Much more hardrock than metal in my opinion and reminded me of Rainbow for some reason. Could be the king thing. 

Yes, definitely something about seven going on here. I guess if some kid gets an 8-string guitar I bet the first thing he'll want to do is form a band and call it H8teful 8 or Eight pepperKorns or some such.  :icon_biggrin:
I'm not much on the growling either, however in moderation and at the right moment in the song is acceptable..Plus Lajon from SevenDust has an awesome voice.
Last night I was mostly listening to


Is anyone actually able to view that say in the USA?

Also it's not very Unofficial Warmoth/guitar friendly.
I'm in the US and can play it, no problem.

Funny, haven't thought about / listened to DAF in years (I knew Robert Görl's sister in the late ’70s–early ’80s). That was an interesting time for electronic music: Throbbing Gristle, Einstürzende Neubauten, and Kraftwerk of course. Heck, even Human League was exciting then! :icon_smile:
WHo cares about guitar-friendly?  Not all good music requires an electric guitar.  Most, but certainly not all.  :icon_jokercolor:

And I can see your video in the USA.

amigarobbo said:
Last night I was mostly listening to


Is anyone actually able to view that say in the USA?

Also it's not very Unofficial Warmoth/guitar friendly.

Don't know about USA, but it's not available in Sweden.

Not in the UK either.

Never mind we have the Royal Albert Hall, and some Cream.

I happened to run across a Jack Bruce signature Warwick Thumb bass the other day at Gryphon in Palo Alto, and picked it up for a bit.  It had been very well set up (shockingly, EVERYTHING in Gryphon is very well set up ) and it played and sounded awesome unplugged.  Now I'm not the classiest guy around, but at least I know better than to subject the rest of the world to me noodling on a fretless bass - so I hadn't the guts to plug it in.  But I did develop a twinge of GAS over that instrument...

Also, yes, Clapton's guitar sounds like sh!t on that video.

I got to see Jack Bruce, playing I guess around 14 years ago give or take. Given he was playing fretless and improvising his intonation was quite impressive.

I'm so glad, on the comments on the guitar tone in that video as its something I noticed and thought it can't be just me.