
Post what you're listening to!

Me and my fellow players watch guys like Tommy Emanuel and Craig Erickson, and all we can say is:


Remember Greg Kihn? The One Hit Wonder with The Breakup Song? Well, this is the same guy... most people don't know about his fairly extensive body of work outside of Jeopardy and The Breakup Song. Here are a couple of gems from the seventies from the Greg Kihn Band:


Francesco Buzzuro

Samantha Fish

The sexy and mega talented Susan Tedeschi.......plus her husband Derek, he's ok.  :toothy12:
A classic performance, something I cannot tire of watching. I must have seen this a thousand times and it still makes me smile.

Too funny. I usually don't spam people humor, but that one has to go to some people.
I think Swarfrat needs that guy's tiny bass for his young'un.

Also, I actually OWN a couple Dread Zeppelin CD's.  Picked 'em up in the '90's when they were biggish.  Good times.
Thought I'd post this in here.
Not really listening to this band ....... But is very funny at the 1.35 mark  :laughing7:

Bagman67 said:
Two extremely correct choices there.

Can't say I disagree. :icon_biggrin:

Been on a major Bootsy jag of late and just keep coming back to that particular performance. That and also this one:


As for Bill Frisell, I'm definitely a late comer – I only discovered him last year. :blushes_in_shame: Must admit a preference for his more recent work, esp. solo performances thereof, like the above. It's almost as if the performance is an actualization of his thinking about the piece in question, meaning that it's not the well-rehearsed version of a learned arrangement, but real-time "discovery" of how he might approach it at that particular moment. At least, that's how it seems to me. :) Here's another in the same vein:

I'm with you on Bill Frisell.  I first heard him on Lyle Mays's first solo album back in 1986 or so.  Tremendous playing, tremendous ideas happening there.  If you haven't already checked it out, get his 2005 EAST/WEST double CD.  It documents a bunch of live performances at the Village Vanguard on the EAST cd, and a set of performances at Yoshi's in Oakland, CA on WEST (different bands for each disc, too, which is neat).  He does a cover of Dylan's "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" with an intro exploration that takes a long time to develop into the actual song.  Masterfully wrought and beautifully insistent in its impact.  He also does another in a very gratifying series of performances/interpretations of the folk classic, "Shenandoah."

I have to confess, I was not that turned on by his album of John Lennon covers, but his "Guitar in the Space Age" was phenomenal.

Bagman sez, check it out.
Ok, been listening to *East/West* and there are indeed a number of really nice performances there. Haven't listened to it all but so far agree that "Shenandoah" and "A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall" are particularly fine. Will listen to the rest later today.

Also agree with you on the Lennon stuff.