
Post what you're listening to!

Been keen listening to this new Caligula's Horse album "Bloom".


I've been digging the following of late:

[Warning: Some Acoustic Content]



Very nice choices, Glimmer - I'm a big fan of Joscho Stepan, Dorado Schmitt, all those gypsy jazz dudes.  What tremendous rhythm chops and single-note precision those guys have.  Mindblowing.

And of course Tommy Emmanuel blows minds all over the world.

The Mickey Baker is new to me, but worth following up on.  Thanks for sharing.
I agree w/your comments Bagman67. Those JS and TE pieces are a couple of my favs. As for Mickey Baker, he's definitely worth looking into. His story is an interesting one (remember his work in Mickey and Sylvia?). In addition to what he did in that duo and being a sought-after session player, he wrote a couple of jazz guitar books that have become classics.

Here's a M&S promo shot:


And their big hit:

Baker says he got the idea to form the duo after seeing how popular LP and MF were. He had previously worked as a jazz guitarist but felt he'd never be able to make a living at it so moved over to R&B + session work. M & S split after just a few years and Baker moved to France where he lived out the last 50 years of his life, dying in 2012. Here's his obit from the NYT.

And here's another fav from M & S:

One more thing, the first tune I linked to, "Baia," is an old Brazilian tune by Ary Barroso (who also wrote the song "Brazil") that's been covered 100s of times. Even Bing Crosby did a version. The record it's from is called The Wildest Guitar which has several interesting / funny / strange reworkings of jazz standards ("Night and Day," "Autumn Leaves," "Gloomy Sunday") done in a proto-surf vein (this was 1959), as are the rest of the tunes on the record. As you can see from the cover, he was an early adoptor of the offset guitar:


Here's a link to a youtube playlist if you'd like to check it out.
Hold on to your hats, kiddies, "All Blues" gets extremely hairy when Scott Henderson applies his formidable talents to it:

I've had the new Satch album on almost constantly lately.

    I've been watching a ton of these videos of Greg Koch playing overpriced Fender Custom Shop guitars.  For some reason, I'm addicted.  I guess I can no longer make fun of my daughter for watching other people playing video games on You Tube.  I did get an idea for my newest build from these videos though. 

Buddy Guy, Jack Bruce, Buddy Miles – what's not to like? The singing and soloing on the first number I really love:

Taking a complete left turn here. 

This is what I'm listening to these days.  I think it's pretty cool.  I'm busy trying to learn those pedal steel licks on the bender teles:

Interesting, Mayfly. Hearing her voice at the beginning I wondered if it was a parody  :icon_scratch: . Some of the visuals (the pizza in the log cabin, the '60s fashions toward the end, etc.) reinforced that feeling.
Listening to her other stuff I really don't think so.  I think she was having fun with the log cabin stuff, but other than that I think she's kinda the real thing.
Kudos to The Winery Dogs. They finished their current tour last night at the HOB here in San Diego. KILLED it! Absolutely and completely killed it. Ritchie Kitzen is a Monster. I highly highly recommend seeing them when you can.

These guys don't need no intro (whoops!, just gave one all the same...):

One more. Ten years before Frampton, and five before playing all over Harrison's *All Things Must Pass*:
