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Check out the album, Never Turn Your back on a Friend, by Budgie. Breadfan is the opening track. It's probably on YouTube.

Yeah, reading about them sounded like the movie "Anvil" from a few years ago. Never made it really big, but the bands they launched sure did.
The JB's. I might have to get some of this. I'm always torn buying old stuff that's new to me. Buy the greatest hits Anthology or not. If its something I truly love I'll regret buying compilations.

'scuse me while I pop corn
Cagey said:
Yikes! That is one fugly Strat! Good thing he knows what he's doing.

Oi! that is not ugly at all! that strat is legendary!!!


Holy fuktup Tele players, Batman! What a piece of work!

Even Stubby will like this one - the pedal steel guy does a good job, too. The whole band is tighter than angry handcuffs.

Hint: never piss off an arresting officer. You can't win.
Why hasn't anyone informed me of Devin Townsend before?

Guy can play his @ss off, but also - what a singer!

Plus, a sense of humor, which is gratifying as well.
My almost 19 month old has begun singing back to me, and while it still requires a parent's ear...(context helps a lot - ie, I just sang it to him). He actually does a pretty good amazing job on opening intervals and pitch. Mega cuteness is a heck of a lot more effective at fighting bed time than screaming fits. He's been singing for a little while now, but it's starting to get a lot easier to recognize he's singing specific songs.

And he loves the bass. He likes all my guitars (yelling into the sound hole on the acoustic is fun) but he wants to play the bass all by himself. 
Steven Bernstein's Sex Mob covering Sly Stone, among other things. 

Bagman sez check it out.

Bagman67 said:
Why hasn't anyone informed me of Devin Townsend before?

Guy can play his @ss off, but also - what a singer!

Plus, a sense of humor, which is gratifying as well.

Because Devin Townsend is unspeakably awesome. We don't talk about him, because it would be blasphemous to even attempt discuss such talent.


If you haven't done so already, try Steve Vai's 1993 album "Sex and Religion." This was a collaboration between Townsend, Vai, T.M. Stevens and Terry Bozzio.
Here you go, seven-string enthusiasts:


John Pizzarelli lays down a lovely arrangement of "The Way You Look Tonight" for fingerstyle jazz guitar.

Go ahead, click the link - and admire the man's tremendously tasteful and non-show-boaty performance.

And check out all his other stuff - he sings amazingly, too.  One of the few men actually making a living as a jazz singer these days.  His skill at improvising those chord substitutions while laying down a sophisticated vocal blows my head apart.

Here's a recent concert showcasing, among other things, his talent for unison singing over his guitar solos.


Check out his dad, Bucky, as well. 
When I started getting interested in seven string guitars it was much more about that than about... "djenting" on the bottom two frets while gaily Cookie-Monstering love ballads about how much I loved eating dead people's raw organs before their eyes (and a little before they were dead, IYKWIM). I mean, I don't do that kind of jazz neither, but to me the neatest thing about the sevens are the wide spaced chords you can get while way up the neck... and it seems like that should be equally applicable to any kind of music that needs, umm, chords. :icon_scratch:

Much to my surprise, there are only two kinds of seven-strings in the world (fo' real!): hand-carved, exclusive fatboy jazz instruments that cost several thousand dollars and are played by Sensitive Guys in Sportcoats; and those that are specifically geared towards "djenting" on the bottom two frets while gaily Cookie-Monstering love ballads about how much one loved eating dead people's raw organs before their eyes (and a little before they were dead, IYKWIM).

I got by with a decent organ-munch-type Ibanez but it had a little flat/wide neck (colloquially called "Popsicle sticks") so I made a Warmoth, but alas, they ONLY come with P-stiks too, so I finally found one nice fatty-neck Schecter made in 1999 (before they knew you had to make only one of two kinds) and another Schecter with delish li'l bats on the fretboard. But then my hands got mad at being so old, mostly, and now both Schecters gravitate towards slide-only, at which they also do fine. And weirdly enough - the good Ibby (RG2470? 2640? something like that) and the bat-strewn Schecter actually proved that - a basswood body and clean EMG-ish pickups can do a very passable imitation of a jazz guitar! You have to unplug all 12 stompboxes and the Bogner, Tripple-Wrecktifier etc, hit it on the JC120 or something.... a hair of reverb, and you're good to go.

I could possibly mention that about 95% of real rockabilly was played on Telecasters (because what real rockabilly "star" could ever afford a Gretch?) and them guys owe a small fortune to Brian Setzer for installing the Gretch as the only guitar for it - sure Duane Eddy played one, so did... ummm, Chet Atkins? But Gretches do do a passable Telecaster imitation through the right amp, at least. Did somebody say doo-doo?


Now, I am a huge John Fogerty fan - if he hadn't got the royal record company screw to end all record company screws - he might very well be ranked right up there with the Beatles and Stones as somebody who snuck a shitload busful of rock songs onto the top-40 pop charts - actually, more than the Stones... but what's cute about recent years is, he finally has enough money to buy a whole pile of guitars! And just because he can, he plays them ALL in concerts, like, seriously, seven or nine?
And, amazingly enough, he sounds exactly like John Fogerty on every one! :headbang:


A song from the first Rainbow album I always liked. Two covers...

