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o7 Awesome video! o7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyyq8yiJAgo


Here's a nice little 3-shot burst to break up Slash's Apocalyptic Love Deluxe (which I've been rocking out to for the last 2 years)  :headbang:
Andy McKee - guitar as percussion (plus some amazingly clear tone from a bare thumb)
swarfrat said:
Andy McKee - guitar as percussion (plus some amazingly clear tone from a bare thumb)

Love Andy!

Seen him once, going to see him again in a couple weeks.

Rylynn is my favorite piece by him... Funny how that amount of beauty often comes from someone's death.
I have been playing for a very long time, but there are some things I had just had to accept that I'm not WIRED for, somehow... people playing stuff like this, he's not even sweating or anything!


That whole fingerpicking.net site is full of these really depressing geniuses.

McKee, Tommy Emmanuel, man all those guys - to stand up and hold a whole audience in your hand for 90 minutes  with one li'l six-string. I would really like to know how to do this:


Keeping track of three or four ideas at once, parts moving through other parts.... Like they come from a different species.
Dam StubHead I had never heard of Estas Tonne. Thanks for that. Tommy Emmanuel I have listened to a bunch and am always amazed. Another one I love is Tuck Andress.


I love the ending, cool as can be " Tucks my name, guitars my game, glad ya came"
Well, as long as we're on fingers and soft strings, I thought I'd throw a couple on the pile. This fella is not - so far as I know - one to tour and fill big halls. But I like his style a lot. His Malaguena I've worked on (getting there, still a ways to go) but Asturias is still simply beyond me.

Be sure to watch at least to the halfway point - it steps up. And there's some cool video effects on the strings due to capture rates.

Very nice
'Nother fine fingerpicker, Muriel Anderson, throws down some very tasteful arrangements and has that rock-solid time that comes from zillions of hours of metronome practice as a classical player.


She always looks like she's just enjoying the hell out of playing, but without the "My god, I'm holding a slug" faces.

She is also a very prominent figure in the rarefied world of harp guitar playing, but that tends, quite frankly, to be not-my-cup-of-tea.
Bagman67 said:
'Nother fine fingerpicker, Muriel Anderson, throws down some very tasteful arrangements and has that rock-solid time that comes from zillions of hours of metronome practice as a classical player.


And for fun, compare Muriel A's arrangement of "Close to You" (linked above) with Tommy Emmanuel's:


Tommy E. seems to me to have the more satisfyingly complex arrangement, but the playing is also more idiosyncratic, and thus likely  harder for a mere mortal to reproduce.
One of the most intimidating and accomplished pianists in all jazz history, Art Tatum:


Enjoy, gang.
I listen to Charlie Hunter a lot; he's the guy who plays bass and guitar lines simultaneously:

I like about anything with Alison Krauss in it!
Or, Samantha Fish! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27rMFX308GM

Six? Bah!

This is an (internet) friend/acquaintance of mine named Bill Hatcher. I coulda bought that guitar from him, but opted for a double 10-string to keep it simple. (Already have an S12). He clamps one bar between index & middle finger and sticks a little brass thing on his thumb for the sprinkles.
His top strings are tuned:

This is not easy. :occasion14:
Cracker - Countrysides (2003)
It's a fun album, and I don't even like country.

Up Against The Wall Redneck Mothers: http://youtu.be/x0h-PwwPUa4?list=ALBTKoXRg38BCa4kHM90PTqyF0yY6Av164
StübHead said:
Six? Bah!

This is an (internet) friend/acquaintance of mine named Bill Hatcher. I coulda bought that guitar from him, but opted for a double 10-string to keep it simple. (Already have an S12). He clamps one bar between index & middle finger and sticks a little brass thing on his thumb for the sprinkles.
His top strings are tuned:

This is not easy. :occasion14:

That's quite a feat!

I will say this - the technique he's developed does a tremendous job of replicating the Bohemian Rhap thing in all respects except the head-banging breakdown, where it just lacks the vinegar that segment really demands.  But this is like criticizing a dog for tap-dancing poorly,when the miracle is that it happens at all.  A tremendously impressive demonstration of creativity and discipline.

The next vid in your playlist has introduced me to the holy-crap technique of this Doug Seven character.  Whoa. Thanks for that as well.

Bill is old-ish, into his sixties easily. I think he does this stuff more to keep busy and say "Nah... don't you wish you were good..." I agree about the rhythmic drive - it's a very difficult thing to keep going when fingerpicking, especially with a lot of extra strings around. I think you've got to have a STRONG root in real "Travis-picking", Chet Atkins-style basics. If enough people keep getting born and their minds aren't eaten by too much "connectivity" eventually we'll run across a steel player with Tommy Emmanuel right-hand discipline and all them notes and tones a bar can get. I wish I was 13. It's already 9:30am - can I have my nap yet? ???
If you were 13, you'd be frittering your mind away on ipad and SMS and wouldn't care about all the stuff you'd like to do with that newfound lease on life.
Bill Frisell has a new album officially coming out on October 7, but streaming from Relix now:


It's so very good.