
Post what you're listening to!

I have been in a outlaw country mood the last few months and am just coming off of it. I really have been working on my country licks with it and feel I did good.
Last night I was driving home from a union meeting and the wife had the first Lynyrd Skynyrd CD in the payer. I had about a 2 hour drive and I kept rewinding Free Bird. I do not know why, I can do a good jpb on it. But this morning I called a freind and asked if he wanted to do a note by note. So to day we wore the neighbors out as we jammed and rewinded and jammed and rewinded and jammed, well it is 3:30 and about 7 there is an open mike night down the road, and we have it lick by lick. Wish me luck because we are going do it about 3rd time up.
And then I plan on going into an OffSpring kinda thing for a few months :rock-on:, I really liked that band
Doesn't freebird note for note require about 17 guitar players (it is after all, southern rock)
4 before overdubs, but that is the entire open mic night thing, get a guitarist to do the rhythm and 2 can emulate the lead
Whoa! Is it possible I didn't mention Eivind Aaarset? This guy is great, he kinda plays what I wish I could... (and get paid to! :laughing3:)



There's a long tradition of total weirdness coming from the Scandinavian side of the tracks. ECM jazz and all. I don't even know what the heck this guy plays. Labels are always weird, and you can totally like one band and dislike another, even though they're in the same "category." He's drawing on the Miles Davis "Bitches Brew" thing, maybe a bit of ambient, though he always gets violent in there somewhere. Sometimes he leans into the "Explosions in the Sky" & "Russian Circles" territory, only, I think this is what they wished they sounded like. :toothy12:

"Sonic Codex" and the Sonic Codex Orchestra "Live Extracts" are the bomb.
StübHead said:
Whoa! Is it possible I didn't mention Eivind Aaarset? This guy is great, he kinda plays what I wish I could... (and get paid to! :laughing3: )



There's a long tradition of total weirdness coming from the Scandinavian side of the tracks. ECM jazz and all. I don't even know what the heck this guy plays. Labels are always weird, and you can totally like one band and dislike another, even though they're in the same "category." He's drawing on the Miles Davis "Bitches Brew" thing, maybe a bit of ambient, though he always gets violent in there somewhere. Sometimes he leans into the "Explosions in the Sky" & "Russian Circles" territory, only, I think this is what they wished they sounded like. :toothy12:

"Sonic Codex" and the Sonic Codex Orchestra "Live Extracts" are the bomb.

You did mention Eivind Aarset a couple pages back, but I missed it - and I'm glad I caught your note this morning, because this is nifty listening.  I like the bass player's tone and technique.

And I agree about the "hit or miss" nature of labels and the often pleasantly bracing bizarreness that Scandinavia has to offer when it drifts off the death metal path.
And then I ran across this playlist of the Mermen at the Great American Music Hall a couple years ago - great stuff.


Listening to the Baggerman's playlist. Very tasty.

I've been on a bit of a technical kick lately. Lot's of Animals as Leaders, Periphery, etc.

This has been my recent playlist though. I adore their drummer:


I just fall in love with music that I can't play, because it gives me something to push for.
Okay, after my Carpenters confession of earlier today, I had to find this to rebuild my testosterone levels:


Robert Plant's got his best band together since, ummm, what's-their-name....


"The Sensational Space Shifters" have various connections back to the "Strange Sensations", so he's really been playing with these two guitarists off and on for over a decade now. The three of 'em together certainly look like they've spent plenty of time wrapped around a bottle and a pipe discussing the finer points.
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars.


The whole thing except "Suffragette City", which is just too pop for words. Also, "It Ain't Easy" is a little annoying if you ask me.
Wow! I hadn't expected Mr. Abasi to turn to toe-tappin' easy-listening this early in his career. That was virtually pleasant! And I'm not seeing things that aren't really there, always a good sign. Hmmm... what's this next song....
StübHead said:
Wow! I hadn't expected Mr. Abasi to turn to toe-tappin' easy-listening this early in his career. That was virtually pleasant! And I'm not seeing things that aren't really there, always a good sign. Hmmm... what's this next song....

Haha, I really enjoy Abasi's writing, and for a reason. Any chance you've listened to the new Animals as Leaders album?

In case you haven't, you might enjoy this:


Not quite as "toe-tappin'", but ya know... It's my favorite off the new album, recorded with classical guitars and of course the drummer.
I like what he's doing as far as expanding the technical side of metal to many different beats and styles, but I REALLY find myself wishing he would:

fall in love
get dumped
get angry
get happy
get sad
have babies
eat babies
ANYTHING AT ALL besides just practicing guitar... he probably has the ability to play anything he can feel, but all he feels is "I guess I'll play my guitar here."

I'm not (merely) trying to be cute here;  :icon_biggrin: this has been a genuine, recognizable dilemma in the jazz world for many decades. Technique that isn't driven by passion is dull,  you need to SAY something. Jeff Loomis & John Petrucci run into this too. Off and on all sorts of strategies have been tried. Getting on, and then OFF, heroin "worked" for Miles Davis & John Coltrane, but it's not even funny when you look at the people who blew the "off" part. It was a ridiculous side effect of, like, ALL the bebop originators except Dizzy Gillespie being heroin users, and a lot of people tried it to "feel" something deep. A shitload died... Not too much is made of it but Duane Allman was dying from smack, if he hadn't of liked to get high and ride around on long-fork choppers with his helmet unstrapped, he would've died some other dumbass way. And NOBODY'LL tell you Garcia got better after he began laying into the Persia White "opium" in 1978.

But it's like nothing really bad, or good, has happened to Abasi. Yet. Maybe he could at least get mad about all the guitars people steal, but somebody always gives him some new ones:

Tosin has been endorsed by Ibanez for several years and has access to the LA Custom Shop, as well as his own signature guitar.

    Ibanez TAM100 Signature 8-string 2013 [1] - Tosin's signature model, equipped with his signature DiMarzio Ionizer pickups.
    .Strandberg* #8 Custom Headless 8-string
    .Strandberg* #34 Demo Headless 8-string
    .Strandberg* #17 Custom Headless 8-string - stolen while on tour, but was later recovered
    .Strandberg* Boden 8 prototype - this was the prototype for a line of "production" Strandberg instruments, built under licence by Strictly 7 Guitars in the USA. Manufacture of these guitars has now switched to the Washburn Custom Shop, also in the USA.
    Ibanez LACS RG 8-string - similar to the RG2228, except it had a white finish, a pickguard and Dimarzio D-Activator 8 pickups. The D-Activator pickups were later changed to his signature Ionizer humbuckers.
    Carvin DC800 8-string - stolen while on tour; can be seen in multiple live recordings
    Ibanez RG2228 8-string - stolen while on tour
    8-string Ibanez LACS RGA - stolen while on tour
    7-string Ibanez LACS
    Ibanez Universe - his main guitar when he played in Reflux
    7-string Eastman ER-1 hollow body - stolen while on tour
    Custom Illustrated Luthier 8-string - Tosin remarked that this instrument was difficult to play and very strange tonally, as it had a 30" scale length (compared with the more manageable 27" scale on his Ibanez 8 strings).
    Legend custom 6 string
    Mayones Regius 8 string - stolen while on tour
    Rick Toone Sketch 7 string
    Rick Toone Blur 8 string

I wonder what he wants to BE when he grows up? A composer I guess. I wish he'd write the slowest thing he can possibly imagine....
Haha, I get that.

Chon is a bit more emotionally developed. I know I've posted this but it's worth posting again:


Quite a bit of classical influence, and definitely more of "the feels"... Especially the bassist, he must have had SOMEONE die.... Maybe his girlfriend or puppy or someone else of equal importance. Either way, they're definitely cool.

Plini can be cool too, albeit somewhat repetitive.


One of my bandmates is working on another project right now, and some of his music is amazingly emotionally driven, especially for a very technical player. I'll be sure to share when that happens, it's gonna be a cool EP.