
Post what you're listening to!

Fat Pete said:
MBV = loudest gig I've ever been to.

Eric Johnson nearly blew my  head off with his stage volume circa 1990.  If that guy hasn't suffered major hearing loss, I'll eat my hat.
I've got too many CDs in my two 300-disc CD changers to list but...here are a few:

Brad Paisley's CD catalogue

All of Elvis Presley's CD catalogue

James Burton: "The Guitar Sounds Of James Burton"
                    "Corn Picking & Slick Slidin'" (featuring the late Ralph Mooney)

Danny Gatton: "Cruisin' Deuces";"88 Elmira Street"

The Eagles

Third Day

And too many others....
Fugazi - Repeater
Zappa - Zoot Allures, Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar
Stardeath & White Dwarfs - The Birth
Day-mun said:
My daughter turned me on to these dudes a couple of months ago... New all the way around, yet very reminiscent of the metal I rocked out to back in the day.  :headbang1:

Wrong band.... lol. MBV is shoegaze, not metal..
shoegaze? Honestly, who comes up with these terms.

Punk related genres are especially humorous. Quick we need a new genre name for our angst laden screed that will differentiate us from the 172 generations of punk before us. Because that would be conformist to resemble an already existing category label. It reminds me of an old joke from readers digest.

This professor has a habit of singling out a student in each lecture to embarrass. The key though, is being easily described in one or two words . "Hey you with the red hair. You in the red shirt..." So this student wears plaid paints, and a striped shirt, with a solid scarf, and a baseball cap with buttons all over it, trying to defy being described in one or two words.
Sure enough the professor picks her out on the first day of class... "Hey, you in the loud clothes!"
swarfrat said:
shoegaze? Honestly, who comes up with these terms.

Punk related genres are especially humorous. Quick we need a new genre name for our angst laden screed that will differentiate us from the 172 generations of punk before us.

-Too true. *sigh* -Kids these days.  :laughing7:

-Don't worry, Preston, I'm used to it; my daughter corrects me all the time about this kinda stuff. I over-generalize and get it wrong on purpose just for fun. "Hey, who's this ya got playing on your ipod? -THIRTY MILES FROM MARS? -They are pretty cool for a grunge band..."  :toothy12:
Lately I've been listening to a bunch of Goldie & Metalheadz Records tunes. It's drum & bass from 1991-2008
If the Moon-ster and Danny Gatton stout yer trout, you just HAVE to buy Redneck Jazz Explosion V. 1 and 2... Danny Gatton and Buddy Emmons live & dangerous. 

Buddy Emmons: "Danny Gatton was the only one I've ever played with who could blow me off the stage and I couldn't do a thing about it." It sure is fun to hear him try, though.


The CDs sound quality is much better.
ಠ_ಠ said:
Day-mun said:
My daughter turned me on to these dudes a couple of months ago... New all the way around, yet very reminiscent of the metal I rocked out to back in the day.  :headbang1:

Wrong band.... lol. MBV is shoegaze, not metal..

Omigosh! Totally the wrong band! A thousand pardons, Preston! I thought you said Bullet for my Valentine!

My daughter is gonna laugh her rear-end off when she hears of her old man's latest blunder!  :laughing3:
StübHead said:
If the Moon-ster and Danny Gatton stout yer trout, you just HAVE to buy Redneck Jazz Explosion V. 1 and 2... Danny Gatton and Buddy Emmons live & dangerous. 

Buddy Emmons: "Danny Gatton was the only one I've ever played with who could blow me off the stage and I couldn't do a thing about it." It sure is fun to hear him try, though.


The CDs sound quality is much better.

Whoa - Gatton without a telecaster?  Dang!

Thanks for sharing, O Head of Stub.

So I watched some more of these Redneck Jazz Explosion vids, and this one really works for me - DG's harp harmonics a la Lenny Breau are astonishing.

Not that I'm making fun of anyone's MUSIC. Just the image they try to portray.
swarfrat said:
shoegaze? Honestly, who comes up with these terms.

Shoegaze has been an "official" genre for yeeeears now. It's pretty self explanatory, it refers to musicians like me who like to look at their feet while playing loads of fuzzy, wet, and very loud noise. :icon_thumright:

Day-mun said:
Omigosh! Totally the wrong band! A thousand pardons, Preston! I thought you said Bullet for my Valentine!

My daughter is gonna laugh her rear-end off when she hears of her old man's latest blunder!  :laughing3:

*sigh* Old farts these days.... :laughing7:
swarfrat said:
Not that I'm making fun of anyone's MUSIC. Just the image they try to portray.

As much as I geezer'd-out on the something-something valentine, I still second your previous comment!

Good shot, Preston... Sometimes the old fuddy-duddies (-encluding me) gotta get skool'd! :toothy10:
One of my faves Mr. Hancock Watermelon Man


And a badass live version


If your a bass player check about 7:35 mark.
Been on a John Lee Hooker binge this week!
Sweet and simple! :guitarplayer2: