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Mmmm... Susanna Hoffs...
He's not quite Katy Perry either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVzlYTVhOPA
But, their definitely having fun!  :toothy12:
I just spent the evening listening to King Crimson's Court of the Crimson King for about the millionth time. :guitarplayer2:
I stumbled across this the other day Joe Bonamassa, playing a guest guitar of the late Rory Gallagher at the Royal Albert Hall


This is the (I believe) unrecorded "Guitar Trio" with Larry Coryell, instead of Al DiMeola. John McLaughlin & Paco were the constants... In some ways, that's an improvement, though I love everything the MacDeDi trio did, and they were more "together" musically.


Larry Coryell's fame included jamming once with Jimi Hendrix, 1968? 1967, maybe. Coryell at the time was still trying to edge into rockstar fame using the old-fashioned "work your way up" jazz career track. He got up on stage with Hendrix and played his million-and-a-half notes, the bebop-approved gnat-note version of "getting down." And Hendrix just looked at him; and then played the biggest loudest Strat->Fuzz Face ->Wah->UniVibe->gigantic plural stacks of Marshalls

the world had ever known. Game over, Coryell went home and shot heroin for a decade. He's somewhat "back" here. But still, the best part of the whole clip is around 4:27. Coryell had just finished his take of a somewhat-matured jazz gnatnote trip, diddle diddle fiddle wee-wee diddle diddle etc. And at 4:27 DeLucia just looks at him like "you po-oor little thing, you" and then goes gnat-hunting with a ten-ton steamroller. John McLaughlin could hang right in there, even lightly toasting DeLucia once in a while in a friendly way. But Coryell & DeMeola were only there because they were among the few people in the entire world who could play the parts/charts for this stuff, but the soloing... dear god, NObody expected the Spanish Inquisition!  :o

I know this isn't guitar but I get stuck watching this video a lot. I especially love the version of summer time at 18:55 Guy is absolutely amazing!

Surf n Music said:
I know this isn't guitar but I get stuck watching this video a lot. I especially love the version of summer time at 18:55 Guy is absolutely amazing!


Another fine example of top-notch musicianship.
I'll never figure out how those stand-up acoustic bass players can hear a damn thing they're doing.
Probably feel. When I put on headphones, my fretless intonation went flying out the window. But When I used a seat shaker with the phones, my intonation and timing both tightened up a lot.  If you think about it,  the difference between just a little bit past "sorta loud" and peeling paint off the walls - it's really about feel after about 85db or so.
That makes sense.

I know myself and a number of guys I've talked to say getting into live performance after just practicing for an extended period requires a learning curve to get past the volume. The guitar is just... weird... almost frightening... until you get used to it. Feels way different.
ಠ_ಠ said:
Rich Girl, Gwen Stefani. Just one of those days when I don't know what's wrong with me, but I like it.

Never apologize unless you've hurt someone else.  When you're only hurting yourself, just enjoy it.

Bagman67 said:
Never apologize unless you've hurt someone else.  When you're only hurting yourself, just enjoy it.

-In that case... -GWAR! WITH NO APOLOGIES!  :party07:
Surf n Music said:
I know this isn't guitar but I get stuck watching this video a lot. I especially love the version of summer time at 18:55 Guy is absolutely amazing!


Wow...that's awesome! Is that a soprano or alto sax?
Soprano.  And it's freakin' AWESOME to hear the thing played in a manner suggesting something other than smooth jazz (I'm looking at YOU, Kenny Gorelick).  Brilliant cover of Summertime, indeed.
ಠ_ಠ said:
...my bloody valentine.... Yummy.

X's 2

My daughter turned me on to these dudes a couple of months ago... New all the way around, yet very reminiscent of the metal I rocked out to back in the day.  :headbang1: